Over 500,000 Pounds of Pork Recalled In Shocking Revelation

pork recall

A recall was issued towards the end of November for more than 500,000 pounds of pork after an anonymous tip revealed that the pork was never inspected. The company in question, Morris Meat Packing, recalled products that were produced over a span of two years and included spare ribs, ham bones, pork chops, and various other items.

All of the 515,000 pounds of pork products were produced without being inspected by the Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service and outside of the agency’s inspection hours. The recall is just the latest in a string of food recalls across the country. These recalls have included Cheese Nips, cottage cheese, packaged salads, and an outbreak involving Romaine lettuce.

The team from Thomas J. Henry Law explains why you should consult with a Texas recall attorney when food items are impacted by a recall.

Impacts of a Food Recall on Consumers

Food recalls can affect thousands of consumers in any single location. A big concern of consumers who have purchased products that have been recalled is getting their money back from the retailer or manufacturer. This is a simple fix, as the consumer can simply return the item with or without a receipt for a refund.

If the consumer has already eaten or consumed the food or drink, health concerns can be at the top of the list. This is especially true if a child or sick elderly person has consumed the recalled food item. They can become severely sick to the point where they might need to be hospitalized.

The mindset of the consumer is also impacted by a recall. Some consumers might stop purchasing the product that has been recalled due to fear that it will happen again. Some consumers might stop supporting the company that manufactures or sells the product that was recalled. Then, there are consumers who ignore recalls and continue to purchase the affected product and the company that sells it.

Benefits of an Attorney

Has a food item in your pantry or fridge been recalled? If so, you should not consume it and return it immediately. You should then consult with a Texas personal injury attorney about the recalled item. A personal injury attorney understands recalls, how they can cause damage to consumers and can evaluate your situation to determine if you have a claim against the retailer, manufacturer, or distributer. Tainted food can lead to a serious illness that might only be healed with a trip to the hospital, which results in expensive medical bills.

Injured by a Recalled Product? Call Thomas J. Henry Law Today

If you have been injured by a recalled product, it is in your best interest to speak with a Texas food recall attorney from Thomas J. Henry Law as soon as possible. Complete a contact form online or call our office at 866-517-5659 to schedule a consultation with a member of our recall team. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your injuries and the best way to make this happen is by speaking with a personal injury attorney who has experience handling recalls.

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