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We have straight answers to difficult questions to help you navigate legal process and secure financial compensation.

At Thomas J. Henry Law, we want to ensure all injured victims are informed and knowledgeable about their rights. The legal process can be complicated, confusing, and overwhelming, especially when you are also dealing with the aftermath of an accident or injury.

Thomas J. Henry Law has prepared the following Infographics, FAQs, Videos, and Personal Injury Legal Guides to assist you on your road to recovery. If you wish to speak directly with an attorney, contact our offices now for a FREE Case Consultation – we are available 24/7, nights and weekends.

Your questions answered

Can I Sue a Private School for My Child’s Injuries?

Private schools differ from public schools in that they do not receive immunity. For instance, if your child is seriously injured on the playground or on an off-campus field trip, parents may sue the private schools due to negligence and receive compensation for their child’s injuries.

Can I Sue a Public School for My Child’s Injuries?

Did you know that if your child is injured at a public school the school may not have to pay any damages for your child’s injuries? Public schools are protected in some situations by governmental immunity. If your child has been injured due to public school negligence, contact our offices. Our experienced child injury attorneys will help determine if your child has a case against the school.

My Child Was Injured at an Amusement Park. Can I Sue the Amusement Park for My Child’s Injuries?

Like every property owner, amusement park owners and operators have a legal responsibility to keep their property in a reasonably safe condition. If a person suffers an amusement park injury that could have been avoided if the amusement park had taken reasonable preventative steps, the injured person may be able to successfully sue the amusement park for compensation.

Can My Child Recover Damages After Being Injured at a Daycare Center?

In most cases, you won’t know whether your circumstances give rise to a valid medical malpractice claim until you have talked to an experienced birth injury lawyer. Doctors and medical facilities are governed by detailed professional standards of care during prenatal, delivery, and postnatal stages of pregnancy and birth. Anytime medical professionals fail to follow accepted procedures, injuries can result, and the doctors and hospital can be held accountable for medical malpractice.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Child Personal Injury Cases?

No. The laws have changed dramatically in recent years to protect child injury victims. Even in civil cases involving molestation, the identity of the child will be protected and the child will not be able to be cross-examined in the way the people sometimes see on TV and in the movies. The parent or guardian for the purpose of the litigation will be more involved in the lawsuit, and the child will usually be able to live their normal life without the lawsuit interfering in any significant way. In most instances, a case will settle outside of court and a lawsuit will not be necessary.

What Is a Child Injury Lawsuit?

A child injury case may be brought when an individual under the age of 18 is injured due to the fault of another person or organization. Examples of a child injury case include car wreck or semi-truck accidents, dog bites, daycare or caretaker abuse/negligence, birth injuries, burns, choking, drowning, or any other personal injury. The most serious child injury cases involve permanent injury or death. A guardian, usually the child’s parent, is appointed by the court to bring a lawsuit (if necessary) on the child’s behalf.

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