Help & Information
We have straight answers to difficult questions to help you navigate legal process and secure financial compensation.

At Thomas J. Henry Law, we want to ensure all injured victims are informed and knowledgeable about their rights. The legal process can be complicated, confusing, and overwhelming, especially when you are also dealing with the aftermath of an accident or injury.
Thomas J. Henry Law has prepared the following Infographics, FAQs, Videos, and Personal Injury Legal Guides to assist you on your road to recovery. If you wish to speak directly with an attorney, contact our offices now for a FREE Case Consultation – we are available 24/7, nights and weekends.
Your questions answered
How Does the “No Win No Fee” Promise Work?
The Thomas J. Henry “No Win No Fee” promise works as part of a contingency fee agreement. Instead of receiving payments from clients, we recoup fees and expenses from the final settlement or verdict our clients receive.
This allows us to start working on your case as soon as you hire us, ensuring that your case is handled with the urgency it deserves. It also means you can focus on getting better rather than cutting us a check.
The percentage we collect may vary depending on the complexity of your case, but you will be kept informed so you know what we are collecting before your case is closed.
Even better, you owe us nothing if we don’t win your case! Because our fees are collected as a percentage of your settlement or verdict, we do not collect anything unless and until you get your recovery. This means there is no risk to hiring a qualified attorney to handle your case!
Do I Have to Pay to Speak with an Injury Attorney?
Thomas J. Henry Law offers free case reviews so that you can better understand your legal options. This means you pay nothing for your first consultation. Additionally, Thomas J. Henry Law works on a contingency fee basis meaning that if you do choose to hire us, you pay us nothing unless and until we win your case.
To learn more about what it takes to speak with an injury attorney about your claim here.
Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me Settle My Case?
Insurance companies will attempt to pay out as little as possible when resolving an injury claim. When an individual pursues compensation from an insurance company without the aid of an attorney, the insurance company may see the lack of representation as an opportunity to lowball the injured victim as there is no immediate risk of trial or legal recourse.
By hiring a competent attorney who has a reputation for achieving large verdicts in the courtroom, you are sending a message to the insurer. It will provide the insurance company with extra incentive to offer a fair settlement the first time.
If that first offer is not fair, an experienced personal attorney will have the resources and the knowledge to negotiate with the insurance company in pursuit of a better offer.
What is a Contingency Fee?
In a contingency fee arrangement, an attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage of your recovery as payment. This means that if you win your case, your attorney will collect their fees and expenses from the money awarded to you. However, if you lose your case, your attorney will collect nothing.
Most lawyers prefer not to work on contingency cases for two reasons:
- There is a risk the firm will be paid nothing
- Any payment is delayed until money is collected from the opposing party
Generally, a lawyer who accepts contingency fee cases:
- Regularly represents clients who lack the financial resources to pay hourly attorney’s fees (as is often the case for personal injury victims).
- Is more selective about the cases they accept.
- Is very confident in their ability to win the cases they choose to handle.
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?
The cost associated with hiring a personal injury attorney and how payment is collected may vary from firm to firm. At Thomas J. Henry, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that we don’t charge our clients a penny unless and until we win their case.
Working on a contingency fee basis allows clients access to resources and legal representation they might otherwise struggle to afford. The more serious a case is, the more money it costs to take to trial. This is because complex litigation tends to take longer to resolve and the entities involved fight harder.
This is especially true if your lawsuit is against a large company, as would be the case in a trucking accident or on-the-job injury. Such companies employ teams of lawyers and have seemingly unlimited financial resources. You need an attorney who has the same. Thomas J. Henry employs a team of more than 100 attorneys and has the money to fight your case out to the end.
Finally, by collecting any fees and expenses after a verdict or settlement is secured, Thomas J. Henry can help ensure his clients are able to focus on healing. “The client’s job is to heal. We will handle the rest,” says Thomas J. Henry.
How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?
In Texas, a personal injury case is only worth what a jury is willing to award you. This is why you need an attorney who can not only prove the economic damages you have sustained due to your accident, but can also demonstrate the value of non-economic damages you may have sustained, such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of consortium.
Learn more about how to estimate the value of your personal injury claim here.
What Does a Sexual Abuser Look Like?
According to RAINN, as many as 93 percent of sexual abuse victims under the age of 18 know the abuser. Sexual predators look like anyone else, and sadly, they are often the people you trust most. Some of the occupations most often associated with child abuse include:
- Priests
- Pastors
- Ministers
- Rabbis
- Imams
- Clergy
- Church officials
- Youth group leaders
- Deacons
- School teachers
- Music teachers
- Dance instructors
- Theater instructors
- Boy Scout leaders and volunteers
- Girl Scout leaders and volunteers
- Coaches
- Childcare providers
- Babysitters
Where Does Sexual Abuse Occur?
Sexual abuse can happen anywhere. Child molesters are opportunists and will enact their abuse anywhere they have access to or are alone with their victims. This includes:
- Churches
- Schools
- Classrooms
- Restrooms
- Synagogues
- Mosques
- The victim’s home
- The abuser’s home
- On field trips
- On religious retreats
- On Camping trips
- In a vehicle during a ride home
Who Can Be Held Responsible for Sexual Abuse of a Child?
Several persons and parties may be responsible for child molestation — whether they committed the abuse themselves or they knew or should have known and did nothing to stop it. Here is a list of potential defendants in a child sex abuse civil lawsuit:
- The abuser
- Employers
- Apartment communities
- Property owners
- Daycare providers
- Landlords
- Hotels/motels
- Co-workers
- Schools
- Coaches
- Babysitters
- Parents/Stepparents
- Teachers
- Therapists
- Youth clubs
- Churches
- Doctors
What are the Warning Signs of Child Sex Abuse?
Child sexual abuse signs are often hard to spot. These signs include not only physical but also behavioral and emotional signs. Here are 10 warning signs of potential sexual child abuse:
- Depression or post-traumatic stress disorder
- Bleeding, bruising, or swelling in the genital area
- Frequent urinary or yeast infections
- Pain, itching, or burning in the genital area
- Changes in hygiene (bathing too little, or too often)
- Changes in sleep habits, including nightmares or bedwetting
- Self-harming or expression of suicidal thoughts
- Trouble in school, including absences or drops in grades
- Shies away or feels threatened by physical contact
- Overly protective of siblings (assumes a caretaker role)
This is by no means an exhaustive list of sexual abuse signs.
What Do I Do if I Suspect a Child is Being Sexually Abused?
Child sexual abuse is a crime that often goes undetected. You have the power to make an enormous, positive difference in a child’s life. Here are steps to take if you think a child is a victim of sexual abuse:
- Recognize the signs, both physical and behavioral
- Talk to the child
- Choose a safe space away from the person you may suspect of causing the abuse
- Speak to the child in a casual, non-threatening tone to keep the child at ease
- Talk to the child directly, using words that the child will understand
- Avoid judgmental statements and questions and avoid blaming the child
- Be reassuring to the child and let them know that you are concerned for them
- Report it to authorities
- Before reporting, tell the child you are going to talk to someone else who can help
- Make sure the child is in a safe place, and if you are concerned about the child’s safety, be sure to let the authorities know
If you are not concerned that the parents are the ones causing harm, consult with them before reporting to authorities.
My Child Was the Victim of Sexual Abuse. Why Do I Need a Lawyer?
A child sex abuse attorney can help determine if the person who abused your child has insurance that might help your child heal from the significant harm they suffered. Because a child abuser doesn’t always have the means, assets, or insurance to pay for his victim’s injuries, it’s sometimes difficult for child abuse victims to receive compensation. Our attorneys will look at all options available for obtaining financial recovery. Money recovered can help with expenses related to your child’s health and future, including medical bills and counseling.