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We have straight answers to difficult questions to help you navigate legal process and secure financial compensation.

At Thomas J. Henry Law, we want to ensure all injured victims are informed and knowledgeable about their rights. The legal process can be complicated, confusing, and overwhelming, especially when you are also dealing with the aftermath of an accident or injury.

Thomas J. Henry Law has prepared the following Infographics, FAQs, Videos, and Personal Injury Legal Guides to assist you on your road to recovery. If you wish to speak directly with an attorney, contact our offices now for a FREE Case Consultation – we are available 24/7, nights and weekends.

Your questions answered

How Are Settlements Determined in TBI Cases?

TBI settlements are decided upon by financial factors due to the severity of the injury (costs of medical care, loss of income, etc.) as well as emotional or physical distresses. The impact of the injury on brain function also plays a strong role. Compensation can vary from a few thousand to over a million depending on factors of the incident.

Who Is at Risk for TBI’s?

A TBI can be an injury sustained by any individual. Infants can be at a higher risk due to falls. Males around the ages of 14-24 are at the highest risk. Those involved in wrecks are also at very high risk for developing a TBI.

What Are the Levels of Severity Associated with TBI’s?

There are mild, moderate, and severe levels of traumatic brain injury. Mild TBI victims will often be able to experience a regular quality of life and sustain short-term symptoms like nausea. Severe TBI victims may exhibit symptoms that show up over extended periods and suffer from a life-altering disability.

What Is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?

A traumatic brain injury – or TBI – is a sudden disruptive interference of normal brain functioning. It often can create dysfunction in the brain after a serious blow to the head and is most common in car crashes or being harshly struck in sports-related accidents.

What are my Legal Options Following a Traumatic Brain Injury?

If you or someone you love has suffered a TBI, you may choose to hire an attorney to help you recover damages. An attorney can help relieve the burdens faced by TBI survivors and their families by working to get compensation for:

  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Past and future medical expenses
What is the Aftermath of a TBI?

A TBI can lead to a variety of health issues ranging from memory loss and trouble sleeping to seizures, coma, and death. Studies have indicated that it can take up to 10 years to fully recover from a TBI. The cost can be a tremendous burden on the individuals and their families, but that is only the beginning. Survivors may also suffer cognitive, sensory, motor, and emotional impairments for the rest of their lives. People who sustain traumatic brain injuries are at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

It is important to recognize when you or a loved one has suffered from a TBI. Catastrophic injuries, illnesses, or death can occur if multiple mild traumatic brain injuries are suffered within a short period of time.

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