December 1st, 2015

Thomas J. Henry Family Makes $50,000 Pledge to Elf Louise Christmas Project

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Nov. 30, 2015) – Only 10 days after providing Thanksgiving turkeys for nearly 8,000 South Texas families, prominent San Antonio attorney Thomas J. Henry continued his campaign of charitable holiday giving by teaming up with San Antonio’s Elf Louise Christmas Project to provide Christmas gifts for children and families in our community.

Mr. Henry and his family have made a generous pledge of $50,000 to the Elf Louise Christmas Project radiothon and silent auction and are urging others to give as well. For every dollar an individual or business donates during this weekend’s radiothon, the Henry family will increase that donation by 25-percent.

“Helping children; helping families; it instills hope in people,” said Mr. Henry. “And for little kids that may only have one or two presents at Christmas, it inspires these volunteers to be there for those children.”

The two-day radiothon will air on News Radio 1200 WOAI starting this Friday at North Star Mall and will run through Saturday. Donations can be made through the News Radio 1200 WOAI radio-thon or online at


The project began in 1969 when our founder, Louise Locker, was a student at Trinity University in San Antonio. She found that for many San Antonio families, Christmas just did not exist. Louise began to look for a way to provide a few Christmas presents to some of these children. That first year, with the help of a friend, she collected gifts for children in 13 families. From that Christmas forward, the organization has been nothing short of a holiday miracle for the San Antonio area!

The Elf Louise Christmas Project is a 501 (C) (3) Non-profit organization staffed by all volunteers and funded by donations only. 98 cents of each dollar donated goes directly to the purchase and delivery of the toys.

The Elf Louise Christmas Project relies solely on the help of donations from grass roots San Antonio and from businesses that want to share their blessings at Christmas. People can also donate toys, but since Elf Louise needs over 60,000 gifts annually, we have to purchase many of them to meet the need of over 19,000 families. Their current budget is over $316,000. Those donations ARE 100% deductible.


Thomas J. Henry is the founder of one of the largest personal injury firms in the United States. Thomas J. Henry has been representing injured victims nationwide for more than 25 years, handling wrongful death, on the job injury, child injury, pharmaceutical litigation, product liability, catastrophic injury, and company vehicle accident cases.

Thomas J. Henry is a member of the American Bar Association, Texas Bar Association, and Texas Trial Lawyers Association.

Thomas J. Henry is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forums and in 2013 was named a “Top 100 Trial Lawyer” by the National Trial Lawyers and a “Top Birth Injury Advocate” by Parenting Magazine.

He was also recently named one of the “10 Best Personal Injury Attorneys of 2014” by

Mr. Henry is well-known for his philanthropy, having provided for numerous local, national, and international causes throughout his career. He strives to ensure that his success is spread in the community and, on a greater scale, throughout the United States and the world. It is his personal belief that only through human interaction and helping others can we form a closer community, closer country, and closer world.

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