May 15th, 2019 by Thomas J. Henry

The Most Common Causes of Amputation and How to Claim for Injuries

Surgeons performing a surgery

There is a long road to recovery whenever a person loses a limb to illness or injury. Often, when people suffer a life-altering injury which necessitates amputation, they experience depression, anxiety, and a host of other damaging mental ailments. Approximately 185,000 Americans face amputation each year. Fortunately for those hurt, they may be entitled to compensation. Here’s what you need to know about the most common causes of amputation and how to claim for your injuries.

The Most Common Causes of Amputation Accidents

Automobile Accidents

One of the most common causes of catastrophic injuries that lead to amputation is an automobile accident. When a driver or passenger of a vehicle is a crash, the nature of the collision can pin them within the car, necessitating rescue by emergency personnel.  Unfortunately, in these situations, sometimes amputation is the only recourse to free a trapped individual. In other cases, a person suffers severe damage to a limb, meaning that the appendage cannot be saved, and is therefore amputated.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are far more likely to suffer catastrophic injuries after a crash than those in automobile accidents. The reason for this sharp increase in life-altering injuries is the nature of motorcycles themselves. Whereas in a car a passenger has airbags, a seatbelt, and crumple zones to help protect in a collision, on a bike, it is just the rider and the road.

Construction Site Accidents

Amputation accidents happen in other places than the road. A large percentage of amputation accidents occur at work or on construction sites. Often construction site amputation cases revolve around a lack of safety precautions, or the negligent actions of another person. With heavy machinery and massive weights moving around, the danger of a catastrophic injury on a construction site is ever-present.

How to Claim for Amputation Injuries

When you suffer an amputation from an accident, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your medical bills, your emotional suffering, and the wages you lost – and will continue to lose – due to your injuries. Part of the process of claiming for amputation accidents is proving the fault or negligence of the party responsible for your life-altering injuries.

Because of the complexities of liability and proof of negligence in amputation claims, it is essential that you speak to an experienced personal injury attorney at Thomas J. Henry today.

The attorneys at Thomas J. Henry are experts at helping clients nationwide receive the compensation they deserve for their amputation injuries. If this is you, you deserve full compensation for all damages you suffered, including payment of all medical bills, lost wages, and compensation for your pain and suffering. Our expert lawyers can assist you through the entire legal process; from start to finish, getting you full payment for your catastrophic injuries, whether suffered in a car accident, as a result of negligence on the job site,  or another event. Thomas J. Henry has the experience, the expertise, and determination to get clients the large settlements and verdicts they deserve. Call Thomas J. Henry today at 361-221-5053.


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