November 30th, 2015 by Thomas J. Henry

2 Dead, 10 Injured in Ghost Inside Tour Bus Crash

A head-on collision last Friday involving the tour bus of rock band The Ghost Inside and a truck left the two drivers dead and 10 others injured.

About the Fatal Tour Bus Crash

According to Business Insider, The Ghost Inside’s tour bus and a semi-truck crashed on a two-lane road in the desert of West Texas about 15 miles (25 km) east of El Paso. 10 persons were injured including five band members and five members of the stage crew.

Bus driver Gregory Hoke, a Texas resident, and the truck driver, Steven Cunningham of New Mexico, did not survive the crash.

At the time of this posting, a Gofundme page for the group’s medical expenses has reached $143,335 raised by 3,176 people.

Texas Auto Accident Statistics

  • 581 people were killed in head-on collisions in 2014, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
  • In 2014 the death toll reportedly increased 3.70% from the 3,408 deaths recorded in 2013.
  • TxDOT estimates one person was injured every 2 minutes 13 seconds in 2014.
  • One auto accident-related death occurs every 2 hours and 29 minutes in Texas.

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