4 Dead, 40 Injured in Mississippi Bus-Train Crash

Authorities are investigating a fatal collision between a train and a bus full of Texas tourists bound for Gulf Coast casinos. Four people were killed in the crash and at least 40 others were injured.

About the Fatal Biloxi Bus Crash

According to the Associated Press, at least seven of the surviving victims were critically injured. The crash occurred in Biloxi, Mississippi on Tuesday around 2:15 pm.

The train pushed the bus about 300 feet down the tracks following the collision before finally managing to stop. The bus was left straddling the tracks.

It took more than an hour to evacuate the bus, and at least two people had to be extracted via metal-cutting equipment.

The bus left Austin, Texas Sunday and was on its way to one of Biloxi’s eight casinos when the crash occurred. The week-long trip was organized by a senior citizens’ center based in Bastrop. The bus was also scheduled to make a stop in New Orleans before heading home to Texas.

Authorities are still investigating the events that led up to the fatal crash.

National Bus Accident Statistics

The following information is provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA):

  • 3,978 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal accidents in 2014.
  • Transit buses accounted for 33 percent of all bus accident recorded between 2004 and 2014. Inner city buses account for 13 percent of bus accidents.
  • From 2009 to 2014, the number of injury related crashes involving buses and large trucks increased by 55 percent.
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