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July 19th, 2021 by Thomas J. Henry

4 People Die While Attending Fast Horses Music Festival in Michigan, Carbon Monoxide Exposure Expected

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At least four people have died while attending a weekend country music festival at Michigan International Speedway. Officials suspect carbon monoxide exposure was likely a factor in at least some of the deaths as another two people remain in critical condition.

Details of the Fast Horses Festival Deaths

According to CBS News, officials suspect carbon monoxide exposure from a travel trailer was the cause of at least three of the deaths as well as the two incidents of hospitalization. All the victims were men in their early 20s.

Reports indicate a friend called 911 around 1:30 pm, saying he had not heard from the men who were staying at a campground outside the festival grounds in Woodstock Township, about 80 miles west of Detroit.

The Lenawee County sheriff’s office suspects the carbon monoxide exposure originated from a generator that was located very close to the travel trailer.

Another unrelated death was reported as Melissa Havens, 30. The manner of her death was not reported, but investigators did say they were looking for a suspect.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide (also called CO) is an odorless, colorless gas produced anytime you burn fuel in cars, trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. As carbon monoxide builds up indoors, it can poison people and animals who breathe it in and cause death.

Common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion

These symptoms are often described as “flu-like”; however, sleeping people can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms.

Every year, more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning not linked to fires with an additional 20,000 people visiting emergency rooms.

Contact an Experienced Premises Liability Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one sustained an injury due to the negligence of a property owner, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced team of premises liability accident lawyers are available 24/7, nights and weekends to evaluate your claim. Premises liability lawsuits can be complicated, but Thomas J. Henry Law has decades of experience and the legal resources to develop your case properly and put you in the best position possible to achieve real results.

Contact us today for a free case review. Our firm has offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, and Austin, serving clients across Texas and nationwide.

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