January 3rd, 2020 by Thomas J. Henry

5-Year-Old Girl Struck by a School Bus Driver

School bus parked on side of street near sidewalk

Gavriel Surkis, school bus driver, reportedly struck a young child with his bus and continued with his route through Monsey, New York.

Details of the Monsey School Bus Accident

According to WEAU, authorities announced that a 5-year-old girl was stricken down by a school bus arm safety rail after running into a street in Monsey, New York. The driver then proceeded to drive past the young child who fortunately avoided the wheels of the bus and was positioned directly beneath the undercarriage of the bus.

A woman nearby who witnessed the incident was able to safely secure the child on the sidewalk. The young girl was then transported to a hospital where she barely received any injuries besides minor facial scratches.

The bus driver, Surkis, was cited and ticketed for negligence in safety measures. Child Protective Services were immediately notified of the incident.

School Bus Accident Statistics
  • Approximately 17,000 kids under the age of 19 years face school bus related injuries
  • 24% of these injuries occurred as children were entering or exiting the buses
  • From the years 2004 to 2013, nearly 1,200 people lost their lives in school transportation-related accidents according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Contact an Experienced Bus Accident Attorney

If you or your child have been injured in a bus accident, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our team of experienced bus accident attorneys are available to evaluate your claim 24/7, nights and weekends. Thomas J. Henry has the financial resources and the track record of winning that you need in a law firm. Contact us today for a free case review. Our firm has offices in Corpus ChristiSan Antonio, Austin, and Houston, serving clients across Texas and nationwide.


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