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September 2nd, 2020 by Diamond Kelley

8 Safety Tips for Backyard Pools

swimming pool accident and drowning lawyers

Having access to a backyard pool set up can mean fun, excitement, and a great way to cool of in the hot summer months. Unfortunately, they can also pose a hazard to children and inexperienced swimmers.

Pool drownings result in more than 3,500 unintentional deaths every year. The vast majority of these deaths are preventable. Here are some backyard pool safety tips to protect your children.

Backyard Pool Safety Tips for Children (and Adults)
  1. Ensure proper fencing or guard railing encircles the entire pool, has a secure gate, and is at least 4 feet high
  2. Have rescue tools easily and quickly available for use. Life hooks, rings, and first aid kits are a few great necessities to have handy
  3. Have an adult who knows how to swim or perform CPR present whenever a child or low-level swimmer is in the pool
  4. Also, always have a designated water watcher who monitors things for a time period with no distractions
  5. Give out life jackets to those with little swimming experience
  6. Keep the pool clean of distractions such as toys or large sticks so children aren’t drawn to going in unsupervised
  7. Understand how deep the water is and make sure to filter and cleanse it with new water regularly if it’s a smaller-sized pool. Large pools can be drained at later dates
  8. Take major precautions to keep small pools out of reach of children. Children can quickly drown in a small amount of water (around 2 inches) and need to be monitored at all times when near pools.
Be Aware of Circulation Entrapment Hazards

The CPSC defines “circulation entrapment” as being caught in the water circulation system in a pool or spa, which includes the drain and suction outlets. Here are some facts about circulation entrapment:

  • Between 2011 and 2015, there were 20 incidents of reported circulation entrapment injuries.
  • Out of the 20 incidents, only one victim was fatally injured.
  • 78 percent of the victims of circulation entrapment were younger than 15 years old.
  • Nearly half (48 percent) of victims were trapped in a suction incident.
  • 35 percent of circulation entrapment incidents involved entrapment of a limb.
Contact an Experienced Child Injury Attorney

If your child was injured or killed in a drowning due to someone’s negligence, you may be entitled to recover damages. When deciding to hire a child injury lawyer to handle your case, your choice does matter. If you or a loved one have suffered because of a water-related injury, contact Thomas J. Henry. We are available 24/7, nights and weekends. Call us today for a free case review.

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