December 29th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

What Should I Bring to the Initial Consultation for My Spinal Injury Case?

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When you are meeting with an attorney for the first time following a spinal injury, there are things you can bring with you to help expedite the process and make it easier for an attorney to evaluate your claim.

What Information Can Help an Attorney Evaluate My Spinal Injury Claim?

Before your meeting, gather all of the evidence you collected from the incident or accident that caused your spinal injury and anything that may be related to your injuries, such as:

  • Photographs of the accident/incident scene. In the case of a car crash, for example, bring photos depicting the damage to your vehicle as well as to other vehicles involved. Also bring photos that depict any other injuries you may have suffered and anything else pertaining to the incident
  • Copy of a police report or accident report if you have one.
  • List of names, phone numbers, or addresses of anyone who witnesses your accident and injury.
  • Medical records.

If you received medical treatment since your accident, bring any records or documents showing the procedures or treatment you had completed, the names and contact information of the doctors or medical professionals you saw, what future treatment may be recommended, and the costs associated with your care.

Should I Bring Any Insurance Information?

In addition to information concerning your accident and injuries, bring medical insurance and any other insurance information with you, if you have them.

Other documents that you may have that you should bring to your first meeting with a lawyer include:

  • Letters or emails you received from your insurer or the adverse party’s insurer
  • Name and phone number of the at-fault party from the accident (and their insurance company’s information)
  • Contact information of any insurance company or claims adjusters that you have spoken with
  • Receipts of anything you purchased to remedy an injury or repair due to the accident

The more information you bring, the quicker and easier your lawyer can evaluate your case and provide you with the next steps to take. To keep the documents organized and to avoid losing anything, keep all of these in an envelope or folder that you can then bring with you to the law office (or wherever you meet your attorney).

What Should I Ask During a Legal Consultation?

During your initial meeting with an injury attorney, you will be asked many questions regarding the accident and the injuries you sustained. You should also be prepared to ask the attorney questions of your own. It can be helpful to create a list of questions you have for the attorney prior to the meeting so you don’t forget anything when you get there.

Important questions to ask your prospective accident attorney include:

  • How long have you been practicing law in this practice area?
  • What is your track record of succeeding in these cases?
  • Do you have trial experience?
  • How much will it cost to hire you?

One of the most important questions to ask your lawyer is how they charge for services and if a consultation costs you anything upfront.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in an automobile accident, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our team of accident lawyers is available 24/7, nights and weekends to speak with you and set up a free initial legal consultation. Thomas J. Henry has represented severely injured clients from across the country and helped them achieve the compensation they deserve. Let us help you protect your rights as an accident victim and secure the real results you need.

Contact us for a free case review

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