February 3rd, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Burleson Man Dies After Being Electrocuted In Work Accident in Godley

Two people with their hands placed on a casket at a funeral.

Aaron Stevens, a 26 year-old resident of Burleson, died after getting electrocuted while he was trying to put up a business sign in Godley.

About the Fatal On the Job Accident

According to the Star Telegram, Stevens and his brother were trying to put up a business sign for Multi-Chem, an oilfield chemical business at 6000 Country Road 1001, when the lift they were riding in was accidentally raised too high and Stevens ended up hitting his head on a power line.

First responders tried to administer CPR in an attempt to revive Stevens, but it was too late. Stevens was taken to Texas Health Cleburne Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 2:16 p.m.

Police do not know where Stevens was employed at the time of his death, but stated that he was not an employee by Multi-Chem.

Workplace Accident Statistics

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

  • 4,836 people were killed in on the job accidents in 2015. This averages to more than 13 deaths every day.
  • 4,379 of workers killed in on the job accidents worked in private industry, and 937 were employed in construction.
  • Among the leading causes of on the job deaths in 2015 were:
    • Falls
    • Struck by Object
    • Electrocutions
    • Caught-in/between

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