September 13th, 2016 by Thomas J. Henry

Construction Worker Dead after Scissor Lift Falls off Building

Two ironworkers atop the skeleton of a modern building. One man is positioning a very large beam while the other watches.

construction accident attorney

According to KFOR, a construction worker operating a scissor lift on the 14th story of a building in Oklahoma City fell to his death when the lift fell off the building.

Construction Area Closed while Under Investigation

Officials say it is unclear how the scissor lift fell from the building. Nobody else was injured in the incident, says responding fire crews.

OSHA has been called in to investigate the incident, reports KFOR.

Falls are the Leading Cause of Worker Deaths

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), falls accounted for 359 out of 899 total deaths in construction in 2014.

Falls are the most deadly of the “Fatal Four” causes of construction worker deaths. The complete “Fatal Four,” according to OSHA, includes:

  • Falls
  • Electrocutions
  • Struck by Object
  • Caught-in/between

In addition, the number one most cited federal OSHA standard violated in 2015 was for fall protection. The number three most cited standard violation was for scaffolding.

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