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September 17th, 2014 by Thomas J. Henry

Corpus Christi Man Dies After Being Struck by Vehicle

According to KRIS-TV Channel 6 News, a man lost his life after being struck by a car. The fatal accident in Corpus Christi occurred Friday night, around 10 p.m., at the intersection of Waldron Road at Castle Park.

About the Corus Christi Pedestrian Accident

The victim, an unidentified 57-year-old man, was crossing the street in the crosswalk when the vehicle struck him. The man suffered serious injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, his injuries were too grave and he passed away.

The driver of the vehicle, a 65-year-old man, was interviewed by police and released without a citation. Police do not believe drugs or alcohol to have been a factor in the accident.

Police are speculating that the increase in traffic, due to crowds leaving the nearby Flour Bluff High School football game, may have had some influence on the accident.

Police are still investigating to further uncover how the man was struck. They are looking into visibility issues in that particular area to see what contributed to the crash.

Texas Auto Accident Statistics

Following information provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT):

  • In 2013, 3,377 people were killed in traffic collisions in Texas. This marked a 1.05 percent decrases from the 3,413 deaths recorded in 2012.
  • Pedestrian accidents resulted in 485 deaths.
  • Another 232,041 people were injured in traffic accidents with 89,270 people sustaining serioius injuries.
  • Based on reportable crash data, TxDOT estimates:
    • One person was killed in an auto accident in Texas every 2 hours and 36 minutes.
    • One person was injured every 2 minutes and 16 seconds.
    • A reportable crash occurred every 71 seconds.

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