January 17th, 2020 by Thomas J. Henry

Are You Eating Plastic? Frozen Chicken Fried Rice Recalled After Upsetting Discovery

Chicken fried rice

frozen chicken fried rice recall

More than 172,000 pounds of frozen chicken fried rice have been recalled by a Mississippi company after plastic was discovered by consumers in the product. A portion of the 172,000 pounds was recalled in stores in Texas. The product was produced between July 9, 2019, and July 11, 2019. Despite the production dates, the recall was not issued until the middle of November. Sickened by a recalled food item? Speak to a Texas recall attorney from Thomas J. Henry Law today.

Plastic Found in Food Products

No matter the size, plastic or non-edible material found in tainted food products pose a threat to consumers of all ages. Should you or someone you love accidentally eat plastic that was in your food, it can lead to some serious medical issues.

If at all possible, remove the plastic from your mouth immediately. If you happen to swallow the plastic, there’s not much you can do to prevent getting sick. There have been no injuries or illnesses reported in association with the frozen chicken fried rice recall, however, plastic can harm your body. Some examples of severe injuries include the following:

  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Premature birth
  • Miscarriage
  • Abnormal male sexual development
  • Premature breast development
  • Male infertility

These injuries might not immediately present themselves, but they can impact your life when you are older and possibly looking to start a family. It’s important that you check your food prior to eating it for any plastic or other contaminants. Doing so can help you avoid suffering any of the major injuries mentioned earlier.

How Can a Texas Food Recall Attorney Help?

If you have been sickened due to tainted food, it is important that you speak with a Texas food recall attorney immediately. An attorney will be able to handle your case from start to finish, helping you recover compensation for your injuries. You should not have to pay for your medical care, rehabilitation, or incur any other expenses because of a food distributor, manufacturer, or retailer’s negligence.

When you work with an attorney following the consumption of tainted food, your mind will be at ease. An attorney will examine the recall issued, the food in question, and conduct research into the food manufacturer for possible previous recalls. An attorney will also help you file a claim against one or more at-fault parties involved in the recall that left you sick. You will also have a better understanding of the various damages you can seek in a claim.

Sickened by Recalled Food? Call a Personal Injury Attorney Today

Have you been sickened by food that was recalled? If so, it is in your best interest to speak with an experienced Texas personal injury attorney about your situation. Your medical records will play a major role in the success of a claim, so be sure to visit your doctor or go to the emergency room when sickened. You should then call the office of Thomas J. Henry Law at 866-517-5659 to schedule a consultation.

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