What are Examples of Oilfield and Oil Rig Accidents?

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Oil rig and oilfield-related accidents are very common in Texas. Work sites can be dangerous, and there are innumerous ways in which an accident can occur at an oilfield, refinery or drilling site.

Examples of oilfield and offshore oil rig accidents or mishaps include:

  • Defective or faulty equipment
  • Equipment malfunctions
  • Explosions
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals or materials
  • Fires
  • Oil rig set up or tear down
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Struck by equipment or objects
  • Transportation accidents (leading cause of fatal occupational injuries in 2015)
  • Walking through zones of danger
  • Well blowout

Many accidents are completely avoidable and are caused by the negligence of an employer or third party. Insufficient safety protocols or failure to follow safety procedures, inadequate training, and negligent hiring and supervision practices can lead to serious accidents and catastrophic oil rig injuries.

A third party claim is a claim filed against a party that is not your employer. Outside contractors and equipment manufacturers are examples of third parties that could be liable for an accident or even oil rig deaths.

Receiving Compensation for Your Injuries

Oilfield and oil rig accidents are often severe in nature, causing catastrophic injuries and in some cases death. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 120 workers in the oil and gas industry were fatally injured in 2015. Common injuries include burns, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and eye injuries. These types of injuries can require years of care and have a permanent effect on a person’s quality of life. That’s why we seek to recover the maximum amount of compensation available. Recoverable damages in an oilfield or oil rig accident may include:

  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of past and future earnings
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Past and future medical costs (surgeries, treatments, rehabilitation, prescriptions)
  • Personal or household expenses as a result of your injuries

Importance of Oilfield Expert Witnesses

In order to put injured clients in the best possible position to achieve a positive result in their oilfield accident or death case, Thomas J. Henry retains a variety of expert witnesses. Experts provide invaluable testimony on subjects related to the case. Our firm has spent years finding the best expert witnesses from across the United States, and each witness undergoes a rigorous examination before participating in a client’s case.

In oilfield and oil rig accident cases, expert witnesses may include:

  • OSHA consultants
  • Engineering experts
  • Occupational and environmental health experts
  • Safety equipment experts
  • Accident reconstructionists
  • Medical professionals (such as doctors, physical therapists, psychologists)

Contact an Oilfield and Oil Rig Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one were injured in an oilfield, oil rig, or refinery accident, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our attorneys have experience handling a multitude of cases involving accidents in the oil and gas industry. The nature of the job is dangerous, and when negligent employers or third parties cause an accident and subsequent oil rig injury, you deserve to be compensated. Following an oilfield or oil rig accident, hiring an attorney as soon as you can is important.

Our injury attorneys have years of experience determining the mechanism of work injuries and finding out who is responsible for the accident. Call our law offices today for a free legal consultation.

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