February 9th, 2016 by Thomas J. Henry

Lancaster Man Dead in Machinery Accident

A Lancaster County man died when the molding machine was working inside inadertantly activated.

Details about the Fatal Accident in Lancaster County

Lancaster Online is reporting that a man from Lancaster County was working inside a molding machine at a Quarryville foundry on Monday when the machine somehow turned on while he was still in it.

The man’s name has not been released at this time because county Coroner Dr. Stephen Diamantoni said that he is not sure all family members of the victim have been notified.

The worker was performing maintenance work inside a sand mixer at the Buck Company in the Providence Township at approximately 1:21 p.m., according to the county coroner. Diamantoni further said that there does not seem to be any foul play involved in the accident. The man’s leg was caught in the machinery, according to the Rawlinsville Fire Chief.

There was a Lancaster EMS medic unit stationed at the foundry and they were able to respond immediately and administer advanced life support care.

Firefighters were able to free the man from the machinery at around 1:34 p.m., and he was transported to the Lancaster General Hospital where he passed away.

On Monday, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated the scene of the accident after being called by the Buck Company.

Important Information about On-the-Job Accidents in the United States

According to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • In 2014, there were a total of 4,679 injuries that were recorded at on-the-job accidents.
  • Injuries among self-employed workers increased about 10 percent from 2013 to 2014.
  • 708 workers were killed due to contact with objects, equipment, and machinery in 2014.

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