November 13th, 2020 by Diamond Kelley

Lawsuit in Motion After Underage Girl Sexually Abused During St. Mary’s Care 

sexual abuse attorney

A St. Mary’s Residential Training School is under fire after accusations of underage sexual abuse and impregnation of a former resident.

About the Sexual Abuse Allegations

The Town Talk reported on evidence presented as part of a lawsuit filed against the institution by the parents of a young girl who was sexually molested by a (possible) staff member. The victim, a developmentally delayed 16-year-old, was unaware of the pregnancy until taking a pregnancy test at a dentist appointment on December 2, 2019. Two tests were determined to be positive at the appointment.

To the dismay of the parents, a sexually transmitted disease, trichomonas, was also diagnosed to their daughter. The time of abuse has not been specifically clarified. There are also unknowns surrounding whether the pregnancy was terminated or not.

Currently, St. Mary’s Residential Training School administrator Christi Guillot denies any allegations made by the family. This is not the first accusatory incidence of abuse the institution has faced. 

Reporting Sexual Child Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a crime that often goes undetected. You have the power to make an enormous, positive difference in a child’s life. Here are steps to take if you think a child is a victim of sexual abuse:

  • Recognize the signs, both physical and behavioral 
  • Talk to the child
    • Choose a safe space away from the person you may suspect of causing the abuse
    • Speak to the child in a casual, non-threatening tone to keep the child at ease
    • Talk to the child directly, using words that the child will understand
    • Avoid judgmental statements and questions and avoid blaming the child
    • Be reassuring to the child and let them know that you are concerned for them
  • Report it to authorities
    • Before reporting, tell the child you are going to talk to someone else who can help
    • Make sure the child is in a safe place, and if you are concerned about the child’s safety, be sure to let the authorities know

If you are not concerned that the parents are the ones causing harm, consult with them prior to reporting to authorities.

Contact an Experienced Sexual Abuse Attorney

Thomas J. Henry Law is one of the largest plaintiffs’ firms in the country. The firm currently houses more than 200 attorneys and 350 supporting staff in eight office locations across Texas in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin.

We are leaders in the field of personal injury and have helped countless child abuse and child injury, victims. The firm has taken on numerous cases dealing with child abuse and molestation against individuals, daycares, businesses, and organizations, including several against the Catholic Church.

In 2016, Thomas J. Henry Law pursued a high profile case against the Archdiocese of San Antonio and now-deceased San Antonio clergy member Father Virgilio Elizondo. The lawsuit alleged Elizondo had sexually abused a young boy for years. Elizondo took his own life in March 2016 before he could be deposed.

Over the years, the firm’s founder, Thomas J. Henry, has donated to hundreds of children’s charities throughout the United States. In 2015, the Henry family partnered with ChildSafe, a San Antonio area organization that provides services to children and teenagers who have been traumatized by abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. He provided the largest donation the organization has ever received.

Contact us for a free case review

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