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August 16th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Lawsuit States that a 12-Year-Old Boy was Raped Repeatedly at His Christian School

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A 12-year-old student at the Brentwood Academy in Williamson County, Tennessee was allegedly raped multiple times by older students and told by his headmaster that “everything in God’s kingdom happens for a reason”.

Details On the Alleged Assaults

It was reported that a parent from Nashville filed a lawsuit on Friday for the repeated rape of her sixth grade child by a group of eighth grade boys during the 2014-2015 school year.

The reports of the assaults go into detail about how four eighth grade boys raped the 12-year-old victim. In one instance, the four older students held down the victim at a party and placed their genitals around and in his mouth.

During another instance, the lawsuit claims that one of the assailants penetrated the victim and bragged about it later with his basketball team.

The four students involved with the assaults were known as bullies at the Brentwood Academy, and had performed other inappropriate acts, such as defecating in a different student’s shoe.

The headmaster of the school, Curtis G. Masters, is a part of a group of several school employees who are named as defendants in the trial. Masters said that nobody at the school had heard of any “allegation of rape” during 2015. He also stated that when any “inappropriate activity” was reported, it was dealt with “immediately and thoroughly”.

More Information on the Lawsuit

When the mother of the boy that was allegedly raped heard about the assaults, she went to Chris Roberts, who works as a counselor from Daystar Counseling, a Christian counseling ministry. When she asked him to report the assaults to the authorities, he stated that that’s not how “Christian institutions handle these things”.

Under Tennessee law, counselors and school officials must report suspected child abuse once they discover that it has been occurring.

Later on, upon hearing about the allegations, the headmaster just thought that this was a case of “boys being boys”, and only some of the eighth graders involved received mild punishments for admitting to some of the acts.

The victim’s attorney said that the lawsuit is seeking $30 million in damages and a jury trial.


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