Motorcyclist Injured in Texas Near College Station

A 21-year-old motorcyclist was involved in a traffic accident on the Texas State Highway 6 near the Southwest Parkway overpass.

The accident occurred on Monday afternoon in the southbound lanes of the highway.

About the Motorcycle Accident

The Eagle Newspaper is reporting that a motorcyclist was involved in an accident and was taken to the College Station Medical Center with devastating injuries.

According to College Station police, the motorcyclist was headed south on Texas 6 when he left the road just after 4 p.m. and crashed in the median by the Southwest Parkway exit. The man involved as a 21-year-old man from Madisonville, Texas.

According to several news outlets the cause of the accident is still unknown.  The area around where the accident occurred has been under construction and the Texas Department of Transportation reduced the speed limit by 10 miles per hour as it continues its renovation project.

Texas Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

All the information below provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT):

  • The fatality rate on Texas roadways for 2013 was 1.39 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles traveled, the state of Texas experienced a decrease in the amount of motorcycle accidents since 2012. There were 13,438 serious injury crashes in Texas in 2013 with 16,807 people sustaining a serious injury.
  • Single vehicle, run-off the road crashes resulted in 1,347 deaths in 2013. This was 39.52 % of all motor vehicle traffic deaths in 2013. 232,599 individuals were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2013.
  • There were 503 motorcyclists both drivers and passengers that were killed in 2013. 53% of motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets at the time of the crash.
  • There were no deathless days on Texas roadways in 2013. There were 526 people killed in head-on crashes in 2013. Based the reportable motor vehicle crashes in 2013, 1 reportable crash occurred every 71 seconds and 1 person was killed every 2 hours and 34 minutes.
  • During 2013, there were 1,053 people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes where a driver was under the influence of alcohol and there were 465 people killed in crashes involving distracted driving.
  • These statistics show that in 2013 in the state of Texas the biggest cause of motor vehicle crashes and accidents was driving under the influence and distracted driving.
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