Police Uncover Details of Woman’s Death from Six Flags Ride
Rosy Esparza, a 52-year-old woman, was killed after being ejected from a roller coaster ride at Six Flags in Arlington, Texas. The ride was called the Texas Giant.
Details of the Tragic Six Flags Accident
- Tarrant County Medical Examiner determined Esparza died when she was thrown 75 feet and struck a support beam.
- An officer reported that he observed her body had been “completely severed almost in half,” and came to rest on a wooden beam.
- Esparza sat in the third row of the train; there had been problems with the train’s control panel and the restraint in the third row’s seats up until a week before the incident.
- Esparza’s family filed a lawsuit against Six Flags in September for negligence in how they handled the safety of the train; the lawsuit is currently pending.
Witnesses Reports of Esparza’s Last Moments
- The report states that an unidentified Six Flags employee told police that when she or he checked Esparza’s restraint, she or he felt it was “a little high, or not as tight as it should be,” but that the employee checked the indicator lights on the control panel that light up when the restraints are not secure, and there was no indication of an issue.
- Cody Rush was in the same train as Esparza and seated within arm’s reach; he reported that he observed Esparza laughing and smiling when the ride first got started, but things turned for the worst after the first descent.
- Esparza’s daughter and her husband were seated in the seat in front of her; the daughter said she heard yelling after the first descent; she reported seeing her mother as “almost completely upside down” when the train went over the second hump; by the third hump, she was thrown from the cart.
- Witnesses say Esparza was thrown forward violently and may have hit her head when the train went over the second hump.
- Joshua Fleak was seated directly behind Esparza and reported to have witnessed her being thrown from the train head first.
Contact an Experienced Premises Liability Attorney
Because of careless property owners, many people will suffer catastrophic injuries such as brain injuries or spinal cord injuries. The nature of many injuries which occur on dangerous property can be more than painful- they can be permanent.
Do not let your injuries overwhelm your life. If you have been seriously injured as a result of a condition or the use of real property, contact Thomas J. Henry. As your premises liability lawyer, we will secure proper medical care and fight to make sure you receive proper compensation. We are available 24/7, nights and weekends and we represent clients/victims all over the country.