May 17th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Science Experiment Injures 12 Preschoolers in Houston

Baby's feet wrapped

Twelve preschool students were injured in a flash fire caused by a science experiment conducted at a church in Houston’s Bunker Hill area.

Flash Fire Results in Turmoil and Injuries

According to USA Today, the accident occurred at the Yellow School at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church late Tuesday morning.

Six of the children were transported to the hospital with burns. One remained hospitalized Tuesday evening. Five other children were treated for less serious burns by private physicians, and one other child was injured after being trampled.

All of the injured children were 3 and 4 years old.

Employees with the church said the science experiment was being conducted outdoors under supervision. A fire chief later revealed a teacher mixed boric acid with methanol to show flames changing color.

The incident is under investigation.

Child Burn Injury Statistics

The following information is provided by Safe Kids Worldwide and John Hopkins Medicine:

  • 334 children ages 19 and under died from fire or burn injuries in 2013. 87% of those deaths were attributed to home fires.
  • 44% of children who died of fire or burn injuries in 2013 were under the age of 4.
  • The number of child deaths attributed to fires and burns increased 30% from 2012 to 2013, from 257 deaths to 334 deaths.
  • An additional 126,000 children under the age of 19 were seen in emergency rooms for fire and burn injuries in 2013.
  • The majority of children ages 4 and under who are hospitalized for burn related injuries are victims of scald burns.
  • An estimated 75% of all scalding burns in children are preventable.
  • Scalding burns often occur In the bathroom and tend to cover a larger portion of the body than other scald burns – still, only 8% percent of adults feel the bathroom is a high risk area for burn and scald accidents.
  • Cooking equipment is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries.
  • Having a working smoke alarm reduces the chances of dying in a home fire by half.
  • Only 23% or homes in the U.S. have and practice a fire escape plan.

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