February 16th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Single-Vehicles Crash Kills Two in Brownsville

Damaged car from an accident with responding ambulance

Authorities are investigating a single-car crash that killed a man and woman on Tuesday.

Details of the Fatal Brownsville Car Crash

The Brownsville Herald reports that accident occurred at the on Houston Road approaching North Vermillion Road.

The driver of a Chevy Malibu lost control of the vehicle causing the vehicle to go airborne. The car struck a utility pole before coming to rest.

The driver, identified as Martha Itzel Martinez Garza, 19, and her passenger, 18-year-old Jose Guadalupe Camacho, were pronounced dead at the scene. It is believed both died on impact.

The accident remains under investigation and authorities did not comment on possible factors that may have contributed to the crash.

Texas Car Crash Statistics

The following information was provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT):

  • 3,531 people were killed in auto accident in Texas in 2015. This averages to one death every 2 hours and 29 minutes.
  • 1,255 of the traffic fatalities recorded in 2015 were attributed to single-vehicle, run-off the road accidents.
  • An additional 246,335 people were injured in car crashes in Texas in 2015.

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