September 29th, 2016 by Thomas J. Henry

Toddler Killed by Rollaway Vehicle in Driveway

Child waiting in the car for mother


According to The Daily Progress, an 18-month-old girl was run over and killed by a vehicle that rolled down a driveway in Ruckersville, Virginia.

No Charges Filed, Incident under Investigation

On Monday afternoon, a 25-year-old woman was washing her SUV with her children. As she turned away from the vehicle, her 5-year-old daughter unknowingly put the SUV in neutral.

The SUV rolled backwards, striking the 18-month-old girl before her mother could grab her.

The Daily Progress reports that police administered first aid and CPR before rescue squads arrived, but the toddler did not survive. The mother received treatment for minor injuries at the University of Virginia Medical Center.

An examination of the vehicle reveals that the gear shift can be changed without applying a brake or turning the vehicle on, according to The Daily Progress.

Vehicle Rollaway Prevention Tips

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), with the key in the ignition, automatic transmission vehicles may be shifted “out of park” even if the engine is off or the driver’s foot is not on the brake. Here are some tips to prevent vehicle rollaway accidents:

  • Teach children not to play in or around cars.
  • Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles.
  • Keep vehicle locked when unattended.
  • Never leave keys in the car.
  • Engage your emergency brake every time you park.

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