May 28th, 2014 by Thomas J. Henry

Two Killed in Boating Accident in East Texas

A CBS affiliate has reported on a fatal boating accident that left two dead and one injured in East Texas on Saturday.

About the Texas Boating Accident

Local authorities say that the collision occurred along the Angelina River in Jasper County, near the Louisiana line.

In one boat, a man and women were killed and in the other boat a man was injured. There were also three children in the second boat, but all three avoided injury.

Families must first be notified before authorities will release the names of the deceased. As of now, alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the collision.

The investigation continues as authorities attempt to determine if speed was a factor.

Boating Accident Statistics of 2012

  • According to the American Boating Association, there were 651 deaths due to the 4,515 boating accidents that occurred in 2012. There were also 3,000 injuries due to boating accidents.
  • There was approximately $38 million dollars of damage to property as a result of these accidents.
  • There has been a 12.9% decrease in the fatality rate from boating accidents since 2011.
  • 71 % of all fatal boating accident victims drowned. 85% of those who drowned were not wearing a life jacket.
  • 86% of deaths occurred on boats where the operator had not received safety instructions.

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