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October 19th, 2022 by Thomas J. Henry

Woman Charged in Drunk Driving Crash that Killed Dallas Officer

Drunk Driving Personal Injury Lawyers

A 31-year-old woman is charged with intoxication manslaughter following a fatal drunk driver accident and crash that killed a Dallas police officer earlier this month.

Details of the Dallas Drunk Driving Crash

NBC-DFW reports 31-year-old Mayra Rebollar Pineda was under the influence of alcohol when she drove a 2015 Nissan Altima in the wrong direction on Spur 108 and crashed into a 2022 Kia Telluride.

The initial impact forced the Telluride into the path of a tractor-trailer, resulting in a second collision. The crash resulted in the death of Dallas Police Officer Jacob Arellano.

When police arrived, Pineda was found in the driver’s seat of the Altima with her seat belt still attached. She was unresponsive, and responders had to extricate her from the vehicle. She was determined to be intoxicated with a blood alcohol level between .2 and .22 – more than twice the legal limit.

Mayra Rebollar Pineda of Dallas, TX is charged with intoxication manslaughter.

Officer Arellano leaves behind a girlfriend and a young son.

Texas Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

The following information was provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT):

  • 3,773 people were killed in Texas traffic accidents in 2016, marking a 5.45% increase from the 3,578 deaths reported in 2015.
  • 638 of the deaths reported in 2016 were attributed to a head-on collision.
  • Alcohol was determined to be a factor in 987 traffic deaths, accounting for roughly 26% of all Texas traffic fatalities.
  • An additional 264,076 people were injured in auto accidents in Texas in 2016.
  • Based on reportable data for 2016, TxDOT estimates:
    • One person was killed in a traffic accident every 2 hours and 20 minutes.
    • One person was injured every 1 minute and 59 seconds.
    • A reportable crash occurred every 57 seconds.
Injured in a Drunk Driving Crash? Call Thomas J. Henry Law

If you or a loved one were involved in a drunk driving crash in or around Dallas, call Thomas J. Henry. Our law firm has the resources and experience to secure maximum compensation for injured clients. Our attorneys will take immediate action on your claim and work to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

Our Dallas car accident attorneys are available 24/7 to assist you. Our firm has offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas serving clients across Texas and nationwide. Call now for your FREE case review.

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