February 14th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Young Woman Fired and Arrested for Slapping Toddler at Daycare Center

Girl with bruise on her eye

A young woman was fired and arrested earlier this week after she slapped a toddler at the New Braunfels daycare center she was working at.

Details of the Daycare Incident

According to several news outlets, including the website of WOAI-TV and the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung, Bianca Bussey, 19, struck the unnamed boy so hard that she left a handprint on his face. She is currently charged with injury to a child, a third-degree felony.

This incident took place at Happy Days Day Care, in New Braunfels, a city in Southern Texas, around this Thursday February 9, 2017.

According to investigators, Bussey at first claimed she “accidentally” hit the boy while dancing around but later admitted that he had been acting up, causing her to “lose control” and strike him.

Child Abuse Statistics for Comal County

According to official statistics published by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services in 2016, there were 348 allegations of “physical abuse” in Comal County, where New Braunfels is located, for the year.

38 of which have thus far been confirmed.

There was also a total of 222 victims of physical abuse aged 3 years or younger in Comal for 2016.

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