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April 26th, 2024

Thomas J. Henry Calls for Transparency as City Officials Insert Themselves into American Bank Center Naming Rights Process

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CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (April 24, 2024) – Thomas J. Henry, an advocate for the prosperity of Corpus Christi, is raising concerns about recent developments surrounding the naming rights of the American Bank Center.

Thomas J. Henry previously stepped forward with a substantial offer of $12.5 million ($1.25 million annually over the course of a 10-year deal) for the naming rights of the esteemed American Bank Center. The current agreement with American Bank only secured approximately $175,000-$190,000 per year for a 20-year duration.

Despite the contractual right of the Oak View Group (OVG) to select a naming rights partner for the iconic venue without city interference, Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni persists in inserting himself into the process. This interference raises questions about the city leadership’s commitment to taxpayers and residents.

“One of the reasons OVG has the responsibility of handling naming rights is to keep the process free from politics,” said Thomas J. Henry. “When Peter Zanoni inserts himself into this process, is he speaking for the mayor, the city council, Corpus Christi taxpayers, or himself?”

“It’s disheartening to witness potential millions slip away from the taxpayers of Corpus Christi due to unnecessary political entanglements,” remarked Thomas J. Henry. “How many other opportunities have been missed because of such actions?”

Zanoni’s repeated references to reputation are concerning to Thomas J. Henry, who has dedicated 30 years to serving and uplifting the Corpus Christi community. 

“It’s amazing to me that the City Manager raises reputation,” said Thomas J. Henry “I would think my 30 years of philanthropic work in Corpus Christi by providing support for health services, education, veterans, food, and supporting our religious organizations and much more, would speak for itself.”

“I would put my reputation for helping our community up against the City Manager and any Council Member any day of the week,” Thomas J. Henry affirmed.

Thomas J. Henry fears that the invocation of “reputation” may serve as a veil for underlying political motivations. He calls for transparency in the process and urges the media to continue questioning the Oak View Group, the City Manager, the Mayor, and the City Council to ensure accountability to the citizens.

“If it weren’t for OVG reaching out to me, would Zanoni and the city council have just continued with the existing agreement for another 10 to 20 years?” Thomas J. Henry noted. “You have to ask that question.”


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