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Texas Workplace Chemical and Toxic Exposure

Have You Been Exposed to Harmful Chemicals at Work?

toxic exposure attorney

Every year, workers are killed by an exposure to toxic chemicals due to the negligence of their employer.

When employers fail to protect their workers, they must be held accountable for the damages that they caused. Don’t hesitate, contact Thomas J. Henry Law’s toxic chemical exposure attorneys and injury lawyers today.

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Asbestos and Mesothelioma

In general, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused only by asbestos exposure. The lungs, stomach, heart, and other organs are lined with tissue called mesothelium. Mesothelioma is a tumor of this tissue, which usually starts in the lungs but can spread to other organs as well. Unfortunately, mesothelioma can take up to 40 years to form and is often found when in its advanced stages, increasing the difficulty of treatment.


Symptoms of mesothelioma include:

  • Breathing problems
  • Pain under the rib cage
  • Weight loss
  • Pain and swelling of the abdomen

Treatments exist for the disease, but there is no cure. Annually, 2,597 people die each year due to mesothelioma, and approximately 3,000 others are diagnosed each year.

Another condition that can result from asbestos exposure is asbestosis. Asbestosis is a respiratory disease that can have a severe effect on quality of life. Like mesothelioma, asbestosis symptoms may not occur until many years after asbestos exposure. Symptoms include shortness of breath, lung scarring, loss of appetite, weight loss, dry cough, and chest pain.

There is no cure for asbestosis, and the disease increases the risk of developing lung cancer.

Benzene Exposure

Benzene is a clear, non-corrosive, and highly flammable liquid used primarily to make other chemicals and plastics. The hazardous chemical was classified as a carcinogen (known cancer-causing substance) by the u.s. department of health and human services in 1980.

Benzene is widely used in the united states and it ranks in the top 20 chemicals for production volume. Unfortunately, workers that are exposed to benzene are at an increased risk of developing life-threatening blood disorders and cancers.

Benzene exposure can occur through inhalation or skin absorption. Short-term, high-level exposure can cause eye and skin irritation, drowsiness, dizziness, unconsciousness, and death. Long-term exposure can increase the risk of blood diseases, such as anemia, and certain blood cancers, especially acute myelogenous leukemia (aml). other blood cancers linked to benzene exposure include:

  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia (all)
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll)
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-hodgkin lymphoma

Although some studies have suggested links between benzene and the aforementioned cancers, the evidence is not as strong as the evidence linking the hazardous chemical to aml. in addition, some studies have shown that women may sustain damage to reproductive organs. Women who breathed in high levels of benzene over an extended time suffered from irregular menstrual periods and ovary shrinkage, but it is unknown if it was a direct cause of benzene exposure.

Beryllium Disease

Beryllium is a lightweight, heat-resistant metal that is used in the aerospace, nuclear, and manufacturing industries. It is also present in a number of consumer products including dental appliances, wheelchairs, sports equipment, and electronic devices. Beryllium may be useful in a wide range of industries and settings, but it is also known to cause chronic lung ailments in workers.

Beryllium is categorized by the international agency for research on cancer as a category 1 carcinogen, which deems the chemical cancer-causing in humans. Other category 1 carcinogens include asbestos, benzene, and diesel exhaust. Exposure to beryllium fumes and particles has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.

When a person is exposed to high levels of beryllium through dust or fumes, they may develop beryllium disease, an ailment that primarily affects the lungs. Beryllium disease has two forms: acute and chronic. The acute form is now rare due to the regulations put forth by workplaces to prevent large quantities of hazardous chemicals from being released into the air. according to the cleveland clinic, of those working around beryllium, around 10 percent get sensitized to the metal, and approximately half of those people progress to develop chronic beryllium disease (cbd, or berylliosis).

Beryllium disease may be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms, which mimic those of pneumonia, can sometimes take thirty years or more to appear after exposure. Signs and symptoms of beryllium disease include:

  • Skin rash
  • Weight loss
  • Anorexia
  • Heart disease
  • Heart enlargement
  • Lung cancer

Cancer Caused by Firefighting Foam

Firefighting foam, officially known as aqueous film-forming foam (afff), is a specialized foam used by firefighters since the 1950s. the purpose of this foam is to blanket fires, preventing oxygen from reaching and further fueling the flames.

However, the manufacturing of the foam uses dangerous chemicals known as perfluoroalkyl substances (pfas). pfas have been linked to various forms of cancers with firefighters developing:

  • Kidney (renal) cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Prostate cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer (colon and/or rectal cancer)

Major health organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have all noted that PFAS may be linked to cancer in firefighters. The EPA has even classified PFAS as “emerging contaminants” that are likely dangerous to human health.

Cancers resulting from the use of AIFF and PFA-containing formats are not limited to firefighters. Other occupations at an increased risk of exposure include airport workers and current and former military servicememebers.

Cancer among railroad workers

A study of 55,000 railroad workers found that workers who operated trains were 40% more likely to develop lung cancer than the general population. The study was able to link the increased cancer risk to diesel exhaust, which contains benzene, a known carcinogen.

Many railroad workers have also been exposed to high levels of asbestos, another known carcinogen. For decades, asbestos was commonly used in sealants, gaskets, brake pads, brake lining, and insulation materials.


Other cancers linked to railroad work include:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Bone cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Skin cancer

A study of 55,000 railroad workers found that workers who operated trains were 40% more likely to develop lung cancer than the general population. The study was able to link the increased cancer risk to diesel exhaust, which contains benzene, a known carcinogen.

Many railroad workers have also been exposed to high levels of asbestos, another known carcinogen. For decades, asbestos was commonly used in sealants, gaskets, brake pads, brake lining, and insulation materials.


Other cancers linked to railroad work include:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Bone cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Skin cancer

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Your Chemical & Toxic Exposure Questions Answered

We have straight answers to difficult questions to help you make critical decisions, navigate legal process and help you get justice.

Following an accident, there are always more questions than answers. At Thomas J. Henry, we’re here to answer any questions you have about your injury case.

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How Does the “No Win No Fee” Promise Work?

The Thomas J. Henry “No Win No Fee” promise works as part of a contingency fee agreement. Instead of receiving payments from clients, we recoup fees and expenses from the final settlement or verdict our clients receive.

This allows us to start working on your case as soon as you hire us, ensuring that your case is handled with the urgency it deserves. It also means you can focus on getting better rather than cutting us a check.

The percentage we collect may vary depending on the complexity of your case, but you will be kept informed so you know what we are collecting before your case is closed.

Even better, you owe us nothing if we don’t win your case! Because our fees are collected as a percentage of your settlement or verdict, we do not collect anything unless and until you get your recovery. This means there is no risk to hiring a qualified attorney to handle your case!

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Do I Have to Pay to Speak with an Injury Attorney?

Thomas J. Henry Law offers free case reviews so that you can better understand your legal options. This means you pay nothing for your first consultation. Additionally, Thomas J. Henry Law works on a contingency fee basis meaning that if you do choose to hire us, you pay us nothing unless and until we win your case.

To learn more about what it takes to speak with an injury attorney about your claim here.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me Settle My Case?

Insurance companies will attempt to pay out as little as possible when resolving an injury claim. When an individual pursues compensation from an insurance company without the aid of an attorney, the insurance company may see the lack of representation as an opportunity to lowball the injured victim as there is no immediate risk of trial or legal recourse.

By hiring a competent attorney who has a reputation for achieving large verdicts in the courtroom, you are sending a message to the insurer. It will provide the insurance company with extra incentive to offer a fair settlement the first time.

If that first offer is not fair, an experienced personal attorney will have the resources and the knowledge to negotiate with the insurance company in pursuit of a better offer.

What is a Contingency Fee?

In a contingency fee arrangement, an attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage of your recovery as payment. This means that if you win your case, your attorney will collect their fees and expenses from the money awarded to you. However, if you lose your case, your attorney will collect nothing.

Most lawyers prefer not to work on contingency cases for two reasons:

  • There is a risk the firm will be paid nothing
  • Any payment is delayed until money is collected from the opposing party

Generally, a lawyer who accepts contingency fee cases:

  • Regularly represents clients who lack the financial resources to pay hourly attorney’s fees (as is often the case for personal injury victims).
  • Is more selective about the cases they accept.
  • Is very confident in their ability to win the cases they choose to handle.

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How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

The cost associated with hiring a personal injury attorney and how payment is collected may vary from firm to firm. At Thomas J. Henry, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that we don’t charge our clients a penny unless and until we win their case.

Working on a contingency fee basis allows clients access to resources and legal representation they might otherwise struggle to afford. The more serious a case is, the more money it costs to take to trial. This is because complex litigation tends to take longer to resolve and the entities involved fight harder.

This is especially true if your lawsuit is against a large company, as would be the case in a trucking accident or on-the-job injury. Such companies employ teams of lawyers and have seemingly unlimited financial resources. You need an attorney who has the same. Thomas J. Henry employs a team of more than 100 attorneys and has the money to fight your case out to the end.

Finally, by collecting any fees and expenses after a verdict or settlement is secured, Thomas J. Henry can help ensure his clients are able to focus on healing. “The client’s job is to heal. We will handle the rest,” says Thomas J. Henry.

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How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

In Texas, a personal injury case is only worth what a jury is willing to award you. This is why you need an attorney who can not only prove the economic damages you have sustained due to your accident, but can also demonstrate the value of non-economic damages you may have sustained, such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of consortium.

Learn more about how to estimate the value of your personal injury claim here.

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About Us
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Full-Service Injury Firm

We help clients across the U.S. with all types of injury cases, including vehicle accidents, slip and falls, wrongful death, product recalls, pharmaceutical cases, mass tort, and more.

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No Win, No Fee

Thomas J. Henry offers a “No Fee Promise.” We work on a contingency fee basis which means you do not pay our firm any fees unless and until we win your case. Learn more.

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Help with Bills

If you’ve been hurt, you may have a damaged vehicle or be unable to work. We can help get you a rental car if your vehicle is damaged and even advance money on qualified cases.

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Help with Medical Care

We are committed to your complete recovery. We will work with you to ensure you receive the necessary medical treatment and support for your healing journey.

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We Come to You

If you’ve been hurt, you may not be able to come into our offices to speak to an attorney. Don’t worry, we will come to you wherever you are – at home, work, or hospital.

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Recent Results

Real results for real people. Achieving transformative verdicts and substantial settlements through dedicated legal expertise.

All recents results
Product Liability
$30.22 Million
spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$35 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$50 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Premises Liability
$14.75 Million
traumatic brain injury
Medical Malpractice
$12.7 Million
spine & back injuries
Medical Malpractice
$10.94 Million
traumatic brain injury
Company Vehicle Accident
$10 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$9 Million
wrongful death
Company Vehicle Accident
$8.5 Million
leg injuries
Trucking Accident
$8.28 Million
spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Company Vehicle Accident
$8 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries, spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Product Liability
$7.2 Million
vital organ injuries
Automobile Accident
$7.1 Million
spine & back injuries
Premises Liability
$7 Million
spine & back injuries
Automobile Accident
$6.75 Million
leg injuries, neck injuries, spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Workplace Accident
$6 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$6 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$5.8 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5.8 Million
spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5.26 Million
traumatic brain injury
Premises Liability
$5 Million
leg injuries, neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$5 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries, spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$5 Million
wrongful death


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Care and comfort for clients is the #1 priority for these guys. You guys continue to provide the best for everyone!

Leon Rodriguez
Dallas. 2 years ago
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Took care of my friend and her daughters accident case! Got the maximum allowed! Also I love he gives back to our community!

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Karla Kittley
Dallas. 2 years ago
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Thank you for all your help and support!!!

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Molly Adams
Dallas. 2 years ago
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Very helpful and straight forward with my case. Very satisfied.

Henry Reyes
Austin. 1 year ago
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At one of the lowest points in my life, when the world literally came crashing down on me, I made the best decision in my life by seeking immediate representation by this law firm!

Albert Wooten
Austin. 1 year ago
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Truly was always there when I reached out. White glove service.

C. Files
Austin. 2 years ago
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Very professional and courteous staff. Gets the job done swiftly and promptly! Friendly and always treats you with respect.

Shannon Peterson
Austin. 2 years ago
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Very professional and overall great experience!

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