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June 8th, 2020 by Thomas J. Henry

One Person Hospitalized After Head-On Crash with a Charter Bus

Interior of a public transit bus window


Chevy driver is hospitalized after crashing head-on into charter bus Wednesday night.

About the Head-On Charter Bus Crash

The crash happened on U.S. Highway 59 about three miles south of George West in Oak County, Texas. According to KIII News, the bus was heading to Mexico from Houston on Highway 59 when a Chevy heading north crossed the center line and struck the bus head-on just after 9 p.m. The bus contained 20 people.

The Chevy driver, the only occupant, was taken by HALO-Flight to a hospital in Corpus Christi in serious condition. One bus passenger was transported by ambulance to a hospital in Beeville, and the other passengers were treated on scene for minor injuries.

Troopers say the reason for the accident remains under investigation.

Head-On Crash Statistics

Head-on crashes are the deadliest motor vehicle accidents. They can happen when drivers are either under the influence of alcohol or have become distracted while driving.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 2,841 lives in 2018 alone. Among those killed, 1,730 were drivers, 605 were passengers, 400 were pedestrians, and 77 were bicyclists.

To make sure you stay safe while driving, put away distractions such as mobile devices and never drink and drive.

Distraction Driving Facts and Statistics

The information below was compiled by

  • 10% of fatal crashes and 15% of injury crashes in 2015 were caused by distractions (NHTSA).
  • Distracted driving crashes are under-reported. The NSC estimates that cell phone use alone accounted for 27% of 2015 car crashes.
  • In 2015, about 3,477 people were killed and an estimated additional 391,000 were injured in crashes involving distracted drivers (NHTSA).
  • The fatal crash rate for teens is 3 times greater than for drivers aged 20 and up (IIHS).
  • Driver distraction is responsible for more than 58% of teen crashes (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety).
Contact an Expert Bus Accident Attorney

Contact Thomas J. Henry Law, if you or your child have sustained an injury in a bus accident. Our team of seasoned bus accident attorneys is available to review your claim at any time. Thomas J. Henry has a reputable record of winning and possesses adequate financial resources that you require in a credible law firm.

Contact us for a free case review

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