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March 24th, 2014 by Thomas J. Henry

Road Rage Accident Kills Two in San Antonio

Two teens are fatally injured in San Antonio after a road rage accident involving three vehicles last week. Police reports say that two vehicles were racing at high speeds when the deadly collision occurred.

About the Fatal Crash

According to an ABC KSAT news report, the accident happened around 2 p.m. Friday afternoon on San Pedro Avenue and Basse Road in San Antonio, Texas.

Witnesses reported seeing a silver Acura Integra and white Ford Crown Victoria racing at high speeds. A passenger in the Integra was seen hanging out the window and arguing with the Crown Victoria before falling out of the vehicle. The driver of the Integra stopped to put the passenger back in the car before driving away.

Soon following, the Integra collided head-on with a black Chevrolet Silverado, killing the Integra’s driver and passenger. The two deceased have been identified as Valerio Perez, 19 and Isidro Cuellar, 19.

The driver of the pickup truck was transported to a nearby hospital to be treated for a broken leg.

Police are looking for the driver of the Crown Victoria who fled the scene of the accident. It is believed there is front-end damage to the vehicle.

Road Rage Statistics

The American Safety Council states that:

  • Aggressive driving causes 66% of traffic fatalities.
  • Males under the age of 19 are most likely to participate in aggressive driving behavior such as horn honking, tailgating or rude gestures.
  • In a seven-year period, aggressive driving led to 218 deaths and 12,610 injuries.
  • 2% of drivers have admitted to attempting to run aggressive drivers off the road.

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