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Events & Philanthropy

A firm that gives back. Thomas J. Henry is committed to local, national, and international causes.

Since the beginning of his legal career and the inception of his law firm, Thomas J. Henry has been an integral part of the South Texas community. In addition, Mr. Henry has provided resources to national and international causes.

Mr. Henry’s philosophy is to ensure that his success is spread in the community and, on a greater scale, in the United States and world. It is only through human interaction and helping others through philanthropic endeavors that we form a closer community, closer country, and closer world.


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A Leader in the Community

Throughout Mr. Henry’s career, he has focused on various causes and philanthropic endeavors, including education, the elderly, the young, health care, Christian causes, and numerous others. Through his generosity, Mr. Henry has helped to inspire his employees and others to volunteer time and resources to their local and global communities.

National Campaigns

Thomas J. Henry has been instrumental in touching the lives of people nationally and internationally. By partnering with organizations such as the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, and the American Cancer Society, Mr. Henry has helped thousands of people throughout the world.

Local Campaigns

For more than 20 years, Mr. Henry has led campaigns such as the Thomas J. Henry Turkey Giveaway, a community event that provides Thanksgiving turkeys to thousands of South Texas families every year. Each October, Mr. Henry hosts the Bark in the Park, raising thousands of dollars for local animal shelters.


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Past Events & Sponsorships

2001 TJH Veterans Day Extravaganza
911 Veteran’s Day Celebration 2001
Alice Housing Authority
American Cancer Society
American GI Forum
American Heart Association
American Little League Baseball
American Red Cross
Animal Defense League “Paw”doptathon
Any Baby Can of San Antonio
Aransas Pass Shrimporee
Ark A.C. Emergency Shelter for Children
Austin Area Heritage Council
Austin City Limits Blues on the Green
Austin Elevates
Baker Middle School PTA
Barbacoa & Big Red Festival
Beach Bash Music Festival
Beach to Bay
Beautify Corpus Christi
Big League Weekend
Bob Marley Festival
Boys and Girls Club La Armada
Buccaneer Little League
C101 Rocks Dead Week
C101 Rocks Turkey Bowl
Calallen Topcat Dance Team
Candy Cane Lane
Catholic Church Children’s Arc
CASA of Travis County
Catholic Diocese Thomas J. Henry Trust Fund
Celebrity Fan Fest
Central Austin Youth League
Christy’s Hope
City of C.C. Big Bang 4th of July Celebration
Coastal Bend Community Foundation
Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation
Corpus Christi Barracudas Baseball team
Corpus C. Bazilian Capoeira & Samba School
Corpus Christi DMD – Peppermint Lane
Corpus Education Fnd Hearts & Minds 5K Run
Corpus Christi Food Truck Festival
Corpus Christi ISD
Corpus Christi Lakers Basketball Club
Corpus Christi PATCH Que Bueno Taco Fest
Corpus Christi Police Officers Association
Corpus Christi Ronald McDonald House
Corpus Christi St. Paddy’s Day Festival
Corpus Christi Women’s Shelter
Corpus Christi Youth Football League
D.A.R.E. America
Danny Green’s Basketball Skills Clinic
Democratic National Convention After Party
Dia De La Nino Celebration
Dia De Los Muertos Festival
Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run
Electric Fiesta 20 EDM Drive-In Concert
Elf Louise Christmas Project
Fiesta De Las Flores Hispanic Cultural Ctr.
Fiesta en la Playa
Fiesta Oyster Bake
Fiesta Youth
Flour Bluff ISD
Flour Bluff Youth Football League
Food Bank of Corpus Christi
Ford Holiday River Parade
Freer Freedom Festival
Freer Rattlesnake Roundup
Friends of ABC Kite Festival
Friends of the Taft City Parks
Friendship Baptist Church
George Hill’s Basketball Camp
Gregory-Portland Senior Prom Sponsorship
Habitat for Humanity
Harbor Hospice Corpus Christi
Harbor Lights Festival
Hi-Fairnessee Girl Club
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas (HWNT)
Homeport Base Closure
Hot Shots Baseball
HOT Z95 Easter Egg-Stravaganza Egg Hunt
HotZ95 Stache Dash 5K
Hurricane Alley Roller Derby
ICA Radio (KAJE) The Bull Sponsorship
ICA Radio’s Back to School Concert
iHeartMedia’s Pay Your Bills Campaign
Institute of Texan Cultures Folklife Festival
Intercollegiate Sponsorship
International Westside Pony League
It’s Your Life Foundation Glow Run
James W. Fannin Elementary School PTA
Jefferson Outreach Seniors Fashion Show
Jr. Viola Coats for Kids
Junior Rattlers Youth Sports
Kings and Queens of Good Hearts FunRaiser
KORO TV 28 Dia de Los Nintildeos
Kostoryz Elementary Running Club
Law and Order Softball
League of United Latin American Citizens
LLS – Woman of the Year
Lindale Senior Center
Little Bay Labor Day Festival
Little Miss Kickball
Loaves and Fishes
LULAC Council 12
Make the Call 4 Kids
Maxim Superbowl Party
Memorial Day Parade – San Antonio
Memorial High School Band Booster
Miller High School
Miss Corpus Christi Pageant
Miss Texas Pageant Scholarship
Missions Baseball
Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico
National Kidney Foundation
Neighborhood on Watch Program – Corpus
North American Senior Benefits
Nueces County Emergency Service District #3
Nueces County Sheriff’s Department
Oil Belt Little League
Oveal Williams Senior Center
Padre Island Little League
Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paseo Del Rio Association
Pat Neff School Young Men of Character Club
Poteet Strawberry Festival
Rey Feo Scholarship Committee Inc.
Rising Star Baptist Church
Robstown Little League
Rock’s Xtreme Combat
Rockport Chamber of Commerce
SA Cougars Basketball Team
SA Current Donut Fest
SA River Walk Associated Armed Forces Parade
SA River Walk Haunted River
SA River Walk Mardi Gras Festival
SA River Walk St. Patrick’s Parade & Festival
SA Yes Fdn. Austin School Supply Drive
SA Yes Fdn. Corpus C. School Supply Drive
SA Yes Fdn. Golf Classic
SA Yes Fdn. San Antonio School Supply Drive
SA Yes Fdn. Taste of Education Dinner & Auction
San Antonio Martin Luther King Foundation
San Antonio Parks Fdn. 4th of July Celebration
San Antonio Parks Fdn. Celebrate SA
San Antonio Rodeo
San Antonio Sports All-Star Football Game
San Antonio Spurs
San Diego Police Department
Shrine Circus
Smiles for Child Inc.
South Texas Shootout Airshow
Spartan Boyz Baseball Team
Special Olympics
St. Mary’s University Alumni Association
St. Mary’s University Law Alumni Association
Statesman Cap 10K Run
Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE)
Support Our Troops
Taste of the Coastal Bend
Tejano Fest
Tejano Festival at the Fairgrounds
Texas A&M University – TJH Tennis Center
Texas A&M University Athletic Department
Texas A&M University Scholarship Program
Texas A&M University Early Childhood Devt Ctr
Texas Crime Stoppers
Texas Jazz Festival – Corpus Christi
Texas Jazz Festival Society
Texas Pride Baseball Team
Texas Salsa Festival
Texas Sandfest
The Answer (KLUP) Easter Eggstravaganza
CADA – Coastal Bend
The Diocese of Corpus Christi
The Ferrari Kid
The Fish Easter Eggstravaganza
The Fryderyk Chopin Society of Texas
NCCAA Birth-to-Five Head Start Program
The Purple Door
The Rise School’s Rise and Shine 5K Run
The SAFE Alliance
The Word (KSLR) Easter Egg Hunt
Thomas J. Henry Bark in the Park
Thomas J. Henry Junior Open Tennis Tourn.
Thomas J. Henry Turkey Giveaway
TJH Easter Egg Hunt Cole Park 2003
Toys for Tots
Tribal Trust Foundation
Trinity Adult Daycare
Utd. Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce Fdn.
United States Tennis Association
United Vietnam Veterans of Texas
United Way – Supply Our Students
Universal Little League
University of San Antonio
Valero Alamo Bowl
Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services
Veterans Day Fireworks
VFW Post 2397
VFW Post 76
Victory Gospel Church
West Oso Career Fair
West Oso Highschool Varsity Cheerleaders
West Oso I.S.D. Speech Department
West Oso Safe Halloween
Wings Over South Texas Air Show
Women’s Prayer Ministry
WSFC Boxing: Miguel Berchelt v Miguel Roman
WSMC Boxing: Gilberto Ramirez v Jesse Hart
Wynn Seale Academy of Fine Arts
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Thomas J. Henry
30 Years Giving Back

to the Community

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