March 4th, 2021

Texas House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 207 Would Make Roads More Unsafe for Texas Families

18-wheeler traveling on highway with city in background

Sign the Petition to Oppose Texas House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 207:

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The State of Texas leads the country in trucking crash injury and death accidents. The proposed Texas House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 207 would make roads even more unsafe for Texas families. House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 207 shield commercial vehicle companies from liability in accidents, which makes it more difficult for Texans injured in accidents involving 18-wheelers and other commercial vehicles to obtain the compensation they deserve.

The bills absolve companies from any independent compliance with federal or state safety regulations, such as for training and maintenance on their vehicles. With the passage of HB 19 and SB 207, large trucking companies would be given a free pass when an employed driver is involved in an accident while furthering its business.

The bills limits an injured victim’s access to crucial discovery to only 24 months of a company’s prior bad conduct, which can include falsified driver’s logs, improper maintenance of their vehicles, inadequate training, and other safety violations that put Texas drivers at harm. The inability to see a dangerous company’s prior history of violations puts Texas families at risk for injury and death on the roadways.

Danger on Texas Highways

Poorly trained, fatigued, and distracted commercial drivers cause crashes that seriously and fatally injure Texans every day. Too often, commercial vehicle companies cut corners when it comes to training their drivers, maintaining their fleet of vehicles, and adhering to safety procedures designed to keep Texas families safe on the roadways. Without real oversight, some insurance companies refuse to deal fairly when evaluating injury claims stemming from commercial vehicle accidents, forcing innocent, injured Texans into the courtroom.

To maximize revenue, some commercial vehicle companies refuse to follow reasonable state and federal safety standards. These include failing to monitor their drivers’ performance, making their drivers work long hours while fatigued, not providing adequate training, and failing to maintain their fleet of vehicles

The business model for some insurance companies is to unfairly evaluate personal injury claims, forcing injured drivers with valid claims to either find a lawyer to help them or give up altogether.

Limiting commercial vehicle companies’ liability forces healthcare providers, injured Texas drivers’ health insurance companies, and taxpayers to subsidize the dangerous conduct of the commercial vehicle driver. Not only do injured Texans have to pay the price, but every person in the state is left to foot the bill.

Texas Trucking Accidents Statistics

  • Texas ranks first for most large truck crashes nationwide yearly from 2016 – 2020.
  • Truck crashes in Texas increased 27% from 2016 to 2019
  • In 2019, Texas had more large truck crashes than Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Oklahoma combined
  • In 2019, there were 685 fatalities caused by truck wrecks in the state of Texas
  • In 2018, 305 truck drivers involved in fatal crashes tested positive for at least one drug

Thomas J. Henry Law – Fighting for Texas Truck Accident Victims

Thomas J. Henry Law understands just how catastrophic a bill like Texas House Bill 19 would be for our community. We have represented clients injured in trucking accidents across Texas for more than 25 years and have seen just how far commercial trucking companies will go to avoid paying fair compensation to their victims. Our Texas truck accident attorneys believe every Texan has a right for their case to be heard and for the evidence of their claim to be considered, and we will fight tooth and nail to ensure your rights are respected inside and out of the courtroom.

When you call Thomas J. Henry Law for your 18-wheeler accident claim, you are taking the first steps toward protecting your rights and leveling the playing field against the company responsible for your injuries. With a team of more than 200 experienced attorneys, you can rest assured that your claim is always being actively pursued. You worry about getting better, let our attorneys and dedicated support staff handled the rest.

Thomas J. Henry Law serves clients across Texas and nationwide from its offices in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin. Each office is fully staffed with the attorneys, staff, and legal resources necessary to ensure your case is handled aggressively and effectively. Should you have any questions about your legal options, call or visit one of our Texas law offices to discuss your claim. We are available 24/7, and initial consultations are always FREE!

Speak to a Truck Accident Lawyer Near You:

  • Meet with an Austin truck accident lawyer:
    • Phone Number(512) 520-0221 (attorneys available 24/7, nights and weekends)
    • Address: 5707 Southwest Pkwy, Suite 125 Building 2, Austin, Texas 78735 (walk-in Monday through Friday)

Contact us for a free case review

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