December 20th, 2019 by Thomas J. Henry

18-Wheeler Kills Pedestrian on Elysian Fields

Green 18-wheeler traveling on open road

New Orleans police report that an 18-wheeler accident killed a pedestrian on Tuesday at an busy Elysian Fields Avenue intersection Tuesday.

Details of the Elysian Fields’ Accident

The truck driver was driving on Elysian Fileds and making a right onto North Claiborne Avenue when he hit a man in the roadway at around 3.05 p.m. According to Jonathan Fourcade, who works at New Orleans Emergency Medical Services, the unidentified man had died at the scene of the accident.

Authorities did not mention the name of the driver as he was not cited in the accident. After the accident occurred, an employee who works at Melba’s Poboys had gone to receive a surveillance video that depicted the pedestrian briefly walking beside the truck before he ended up under the vehicle.

Pictorial evidence from the scene shows that the truck driver had pulled into a parking lot a few yards of the fatal collision. Narrating his experience, the employee reports that he watched as the investigators let the driver go after talking to him.

Subsequent findings showed that the 18-wheeler truck had the name of a Georgia trucking company written on the driver’s door. However, attempts to reach the trucking company has been rather unsuccessful.

Statistics of Pedestrian Accident
  • Pedestrian deaths account for 13% of traffic fatalities in the United States
  • Every 100 minute, a vehicle kills a  pedestrian in the United States.
  • Most pedestrian accidents often occur in good weather.
Contact an Experienced Vehicle Accident Attorney

While it may not be as fatal, what happened to the killed pedestrian can happen to you or your loved ones. If you or your loved ones are involved in such an accident, you can contact Thomas J Henry today. Our team of prolific vehicle accident attorneys is available to hear you out and help you achieve real-time results.

Intending to serve clients across Texas and nationwide, our firm has its offices in Corpus Christi, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. Our attorneys are available to give you a free case review, 24/7, all week-long.


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