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August 17th, 2018 by Thomas J. Henry

7 Family Members Killed Eastern Oregon Collision

Damaged car from an accident with responding ambulance

Damaged car from an accident with responding ambulance

Seven Washington relatives, including five children, were among the eight killed Monday in a head-on crash in eastern Oregon. The family members were on their way to Las Vegas for an end-of-summer trip, according to another family member.

Details of the Fatal Oregon Crash

According to reports, the fatal crash occurred when a 1999 Toyota 4Runner crashed into the family’s new 2016 Toyota 4Runner.

Eight people died in the crash: the seven family members in the newer SUV and the lone person in the other SUV. The driver of the other SUV was identified as Mark Robert Rundell, 48, of Prairie City.

A family member of the seven related victims, Jessie Tate, stated that his family is devastated by the unexpected deaths of his sister and her children. He said that he first learned of the crash from other relatives and says that he later called his father who told him, who had been involved.

“She was outgoing, personable, made friends everywhere she went, and her kids took after her,” Tate said. “They all just cared about everyone around them.” Oregon State Police, who are investigating, said the driver traveling alone veered into opposing traffic on the two-lane highway while heading west and collided with the SUV carrying the family.

The collision is among the deadliest state crashes in recent years. Five people were killed in a two-car crash near Salem in October. One driver involved was later charged with manslaughter, driving under the influence of intoxicants and other charges in the collision that killed a mother, her three children and her niece.

National Auto Accident Statistics

Traffic fatalities in the U.S. jumped for the second straight year in 2016 despite a dip in crash deaths linked to distracted driving, according to data released by federal highway safety regulators.

  1. Some 37,461 people died in vehicle collisions in 2016, the highest annual tally since 2007, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration figures. The 5.6 percent rise in traffic deaths last year came after a 8.4 percent spike in 2015, which was the largest annual increase since the mid-1960’s.
  2. Fatalities from distracted drivers, such as those texting, fell 2.2 percent last year.
  3. Deaths linked to other risky behaviors such as speeding, drunk driving and not wearing seat belts contributed to an overall gain in fatalities.
  4. Total vehicle-miles-traveled increased 2.2 percent last year while the fatality rate grew 2.6 percent to 1.18 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, according to the agency. Miles driven gained 2.3 percent in 2015.
Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our experienced Corpus Christi car accident attorneys have experience handling a multitude of injury accidents, no matter how severe the crash or injury. You may be entitled to compensation for your damages if another driver acted negligently. Our firm has the experienced lawyers and financial resources that you need to achieve the real results you deserve.

Our firm has offices in Corpus ChristiSan AntonioAustin, and Houston, serving clients across Texas and nationwide. Call us today for a free case review — attorneys are available 24/7, nights and weekends. If you cannot make it to our office, we can visit you at your home, in the hospital, or at work


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