May 19th, 2020 by Thomas J. Henry

Memorial Day and the “100 Deadliest Days” for Teen Drivers

texting and driving laws in texas

texting and driving laws in texas

Memorial Day is a day to remember, honor, and mourn the men and women who died in service of our nation. This somber day also marks the unofficial beginning of summer, and with it, what traffic experts have designated the “100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers.

This is because the 100 day period following Memorial Day is marked by sharp spikes in fatal collisions and drunk driving accident, specifically among young drivers and teenagers.

Risky Behaviors and Drunk Driving Major Factors During “100 Deadliest Days”

According to We Save Lives, an average of 260 teenagers are killed in car crashes each month during the 100 days spanning Memorial Day to Labor Day. That is a 26% increase when compared to non-summer months.

These accidents do not only claim the lives of teenagers, they affect people of all ages as well. AAA reports that over the past five years, 3,5000 people of all ages have been killed in crashes involving teen drivers during the 100 Deadliest Days. Further, crash data collected from those years reveal that most of these traffic fatalities could have been avoided had proper driving behaviors been practiced.

Dr. David Yang, Executive Director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, reveals that teenage drivers are at a higher probability of being involved in traffic crashes due to a combination of inexperience and risky behaviors. This is not limited to behaviors like drinking and driving, but also extends to actions like distracted driving and speeding.

By practicing responsible, defensive driving, teenagers can help protect themselves from tragedy.

Avoid Distractions

AAA has determined that distraction was a factor in 60% of all moderate-to-severe crashes involving teen drivers. It is important to remember that distractions are not limited to phones calls and texting. Other common distractions include:

  • Eating while driving
  • Applying makeup
  • Adjusting the radio
  • Talking to passengers
  • Interacting with GPS

Remain diligent when on the road. If you mind is on anything other than the task of driving, take a moment to pull over and take care of whatever is distracting you.

Obey Posted Speed Limits

Speeding kills nearly 10,000 people every year accounting for more than a quarter of all traffic deaths.

When you choose to speed, you are making the choice to put yourself, your friends, and other people on the road at an increased risk of injury and death. To make matters worse, speeding typically save you less than five minutes of actual travel time. The risks are simply not worth it.

Do Not Drink and Drive

Drinking and driving is never a good choice, especially with the number of convenient alternatives available to us today. This should go without saying, if you are planning to drink, plan to have a designated driver.

If you are unable to get a friend or acquaintance to be your designated driver, you can literally hire a designated driver in the form of an Uber, Lyft, taxi, bus, or shuttle.

Really, there is excuse for drinking and driving or allowing a friend to.

Contact an Experienced Texas Auto Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our experienced car accident attorneys have experience handling a multitude of injury accidents, no matter how severe the crash or injury. You may be entitled to compensation for your damages if another driver acted negligently. Our firm has the experienced lawyers and financial resources that you need to achieve the real results you deserve.

Our firm has offices in Corpus ChristiSan Antonio, and Austin, serving clients across Texas and nationwide. Call us today for a free case review — attorneys are available 24/7, nights and weekends. If you cannot make it to our office, we can visit you at your home, in the hospital, or at work.

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