March 16th, 2018 by Thomas J. Henry

One Dead, 10 Injured in Montgomery County Bus Crash

Tour bus with added motion blur

At least 10 people were injured and one person has died following a collision involving a passenger bus on Thursday.

Details of the Montgomery County Bus Crash

According to WUSA 9, the bus crash occurred in Rockville, Maryland Thursday night around 8 pm.

Preliminary reports indicate bus and multiple cars collided at the intersection of Norbeck road and Avery Road. The driver of one of the cars was trapped in his vehicle and died shortly after arriving to the hospital.

No information on those involved in the crash has been released, and the crash remains under the investigation.

Bus Accident Statistics

The following information was provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation:

  • There were 4,311 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes in 2015, which was an 8 percent increase from the previous year.
  • From 2005 to 2015, intercity buses accounted for 13 percent, and school buses and transit buses accounted for 41 percent and 33 percent, respectively, for all buses involved in crashes that were fatal.
  • Between 2014 and 2015, the number of buses involved in crashes that caused fatalities increased from 236 to 261, which is an increase of 11 percent.
Contact an Experienced Bus Accident Attorney

If you or your child have been injured in a bus accident, contact Thomas J. Henry. Our team of experienced bus accident attorneys are available to evaluate your claim 24/7, nights and weekends. Thomas J. Henry has the financial resources and the track record of winning that you need in a law firm. Contact us today for a free case review. Our firm has offices in Corpus ChristiSan Antonio, and Houston, serving clients across Texas and nationwide.

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