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Texas Truck Accident Lawyers

Serving Clients Nationwide

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If you’ve been involved in a Texas truck accident, you want an lawyer who is experienced and tenacious and has the financial resources to develop your case properly. Further, you want a lawyer who can take your call any time of the day or night.

At Thomas J. Henry Law, our dedicated Texas truck accident attorneys can offer all of this and more. We can help you get a rental and can even advance money to help with unexpected bills on qualified cases.

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Steps to Take After a Truck Accident

Truck accidents are disorienting, leaving accident victims uncertain of what to do next. While it is typically best to contact an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible, there are several steps you can take at the scene to protecting your health and your claim to compensation. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you or a loved one is unfortunate enough to be involved in a truck accident.

  1. Stop and stay at the scene. Never leave the scene of an accident. If you do, you may be accused of being a hit-and-run driver which can carry harsh civil and criminal penalties. If possible, try to remove your vehicle from traffic lanes and find a safe place to wait for responders.
  2. Check yourself and others for injury. Safety and health are first and foremost following an accident with a large truck. Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If safe to do so, check on the occupants of other vehicles involved as well.
  3. Call the police or 911 if someone is injured. It is always best to contact the police following a truck accident. If the incident is an emergency or if someone was injured, call 911 and request an ambulance.
  4. Take photos and video of the scene. Try to capture images or videos of the scene from different angles. This will go a long way in demonstrating how your accident occurred. Include vehicles, injuries, debris, and skid marks on the roadway. Also, capture any relevant road signs or conditions.
  5. Gather names and information of drivers involved. Exchange insurance information and contact information with others involved in the accident. Also, get the contact information for any witnesses at the scene.
  6. Seek medical attention. Even if you are not aware of any serious injuries, visit an emergency room or doctor as soon as possible. Truck accidents can cause significant damage to soft tissue and muscles, and your injuries may not be immediately evident. Symptoms can appear days, weeks, or months later and worsen over time. A medical professional can identify injuries that may otherwise go unnoticed until it’s too late.
  7. Avoid social media. Anything you say on social media can be used to diminish your claim. Even if you are giving what you consider to be an accurate account of your accident or injuries, defense teams will try to use your posts to find the smallest of discrepancies between what you commented on social media and what you told police or your insurer.
  8. Call a lawyer. This is an absolute must in any Texas truck accident. You need to protect your rights and you need to know your legal options. Most personal injury firms will offer a free case consultation with no obligation.

How a Trucking Accident Attorney Can Help Your Claim

1. Allow You to Focus on Your Recovery

The first thing your trucking accident attorney will do for you is to make sure you are getting the medical attention you need. Truck accidents can be especially catastrophic due to the large size of the commercial vehicles involved. It is not uncommon for a trucking accident to resulting in back injuries, brain injuries, paralysis, or even death.

By hiring a trucking accident attorney, you can rest easier knowing that your claim is in capable hands and focus on your getting better. As Mr. Henry has said, “The client’s job is to heal. We will handle the rest.”

2. Provide Access to Advanced Technology

When you are going up against a major trucking company, you need to fight fire with fire. Thomas J. Henry utilizes advanced technology both in and outside the courtroom. Through the utilization of a fleet of jets, satellite technology, and mobile technology, our attorneys can be anywhere within a moment’s notice. We can also provide access to a client’s files and records and stream live video of evidence and depositions to any courtroom in the country – all with the push of a button.

3. Bring in Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses can help gather and assess valuable evidence and can provide compelling testimony demonstrating how the negligence of another directly contributed to your injuries. Thomas J. Henry has spent years building professional relationships with leading industry experts. Among those who can assist you in your trucking accident claims are:

  • Accident Investigation Experts
  • Hazardous Materials Experts
  • FMCSA Compliance Consultants
  • Forensic Engineers
  • Accident Re-constructionists
  • Human Factors Forensic Science Experts (reaction time, fatigue, and distracted driving)
  • General Equipment Technical Expert

Injuries You May Suffer in A Truck Accident

Due to their size and the forces associated with accidents involving large trucks, the injuries sustained in a trucking accident tend to be more serious more often than in a regular passenger vehicle collision. Among the most common injuries reported to our firm are:

Damages Available in A Texas Trucking Accident

Victims injured in truck accidents can collect a variety of different damages depending on the circumstances of their accident and the injuries suffered. Among the most common are:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Vehicle repair costs
  • Future medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • loss of companionship
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death

Things to Look out For when Suing a Trucking Company

Generally, a trucking company will attempt to distance themselves from an accident in an attempt to limit their liability, even if this means throwing their own employee under the bus. Trucking companies have teams of investigators and attorneys whose sole purpose is to challenge claims and reduce the amount of money that the trucking company has to payout.

By choosing to work with a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer in Texas, you are taking the first steps towards protecting your rights as an injured person.

Among the tactics often used by trucking companies to chip away at your claim are:

Recorded Statements – The trucking company’s insurer will contact you after the accident requesting a recorded statement. While they claim this is so they can better understand your injuries and streamline the payout process, they are actually trying to get you on record saying something that harms your case. You must speak to an attorney before providing such a statement. Do not be bullied, you have no legal requirement to answer the insurer’s questions without the advice of your attorney.

Low Settlement Offers – The insurance company wants to settle your claim for as little as possible. They know that you are in a state of chaos and confusion and will take advantage of it. While it may be tempting, do not accept the insurer’s offer without consulting with your attorney first.

Destroying Evidence – Oftentimes, a trucking company will attempt to destroy or alter records or evidence after an accident to hide its mistakes. An attorney can file a court-ordered temporary restraining order to preserve any and all evidence in the state that it was in at the time of your accident.

Not Ordering a Drug or Alcohol Test – Some companies will tell drivers involved in an accident not to submit to a drug or alcohol test if they think the driver was impaired when the crash occurred. The driver may feel pressured as being under the influence while behind the wheel can end their career. Federal regulations actually require drivers get tested following a crash. Still, the fine for violating this regulation is much less damaging than the repercussions of a trucker driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Delaying the Claim – May trucking companies will attempt to delay your claim in the hopes that you will lose the will and financial resources to fight. Thomas J. Henry has the money and manpower to see your case through to the end and knows how to drive a case forward.

Texas Truck Accident Attorneys with A Winning History

Thomas J. Henry Law has handled a multitude of truck accidents over the past two decades and continues to handle many of the largest truck accident lawsuits in Texas and the United States. Whether the company is small or large, our success is not an accident; it is because we understand how trucking companies operate.

In addition, Thomas J. Henry Law understands how truck drivers are supposed to handle themselves in the operation and use of commercial motor vehicles. We have consistently demonstrated through expansive discovery, depositions, and massive use of experts how trucking companies and drivers have caused not only injuries but deaths that were completely unnecessary. If trucking companies and drivers follow the appropriate safety rules prescribed by federal and state law, many people would still be living a full and prosperous life.

Knowing who and where to sue is critical. The attorneys at Thomas J. Henry Law have the knowledge and expertise to make sure your case is handled correctly. In some cases, you may have grounds to recover actual and punitive damages, which can compensate you for all expenses, past and future, which have occurred since your accident. We make sure all the details of your case have been researched so you receive the compensation you deserve.

A Truck Accident Attorney in Texas Who Is Ready to Fight for You

At Thomas J. Henry Law, we understand how difficult it is to work when you have been severely injured by a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle. That is why we can advance your court costs and litigation expenses. We can also advance money for living and medical expenses. You spend nothing and you pay no attorney’s fees unless we win your case. We do this because we have the confidence that comes with experience.

With a team of more than 200 experienced attorneys, you can rest assured that your claim is always being actively pursued. You worry about getting better, let our Texas truck wreck attorneys and dedicated support staff handled the rest.

Thomas J. Henry Law has experienced truck accident lawyers serve clients across Texas and nationwide from its offices in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin. Each office is fully staffed with the attorneys, staff, and legal resources necessary to ensure your case is handled aggressively and effectively. Should you have any questions about your legal options, call or visit one of our Texas law offices to discuss your claim. Our Truck accident lawyers in Texas are available 24/7, and initial consultations are always FREE!

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Your Truck Accident Questions Answered

We have straight answers to difficult questions to help you make critical decisions, navigate legal process and help you get justice.

Following a truck accident, there are always more questions than answers. At Thomas J. Henry, we’re here to answer any questions you have about your injury case.

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What Should I Expect When Seeking Compensation for a Trucking Accident?

The first thing you need to understand when pursuing compensation for a truck accident is that the playing field is not level.

Typically, large trucking companies have teams of lawyers whose only job is to investigate and challenge trucking accident claims to limit or eliminate the trucking company’s liability. These entities also have the financial resources to fight long, hard legal battles in a way that leaves individuals at a disadvantage.

Truck accident claims are further complicated by the existence of complex trucking regulations as well as state and federal laws defining employer liability and the application of respondeat superior.

This is why you must hire an experienced commercial accident attorney who is proficient in trucking accident litigation. Thomas J. Henry has been successfully litigating truck accident lawsuits for more than 25 years. Our truck accident lawyers understand the statutes regulating commercial trucking companies and their drivers.

Combine that proficiency with the legal and financial resources that only the largest personal injury firm in Texas can provide, and you finally stand a chance of getting the compensation you justly deserve.

What Makes Trucking Accidents so Complicated?

Typically, trucking accident lawsuits are much more complicated and much more demanding than a lawsuit involving a regular car crash. This is due primarily to the special rules that help regulate commercial trucking and the fact that trucking and freight companies tend to have vast legal and financial resources.

Because of this, you must hire an experienced personal injury attorney whenever you are involved in a trucking accident and that you do so quickly.

What if the Police Said I was At-Fault in a Texas Truck Accident?

If you have been involved in a truck accident and the police say you are at-fault, you should still bring your case to the attention of an experienced personal injury attorney. Trucking accidents are especially complex, and mistakes can occur during the initial investigation. An in-depth analysis of your collision and the vehicles involved may reveal new evidence suggesting proportionate responsibility or relieving you of fault altogether.

How Are Commercial Trucks Classified?

Commercial trucks are further classified by their gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). In the United States, the classifications are as follows:

  • Class 1- GVWR ranges from 0 to 6,000 pounds
  • Class 2- GVWR ranges from 6,001 to 10,000 pounds
  • Class 3- GVWR ranges from 10,001 to 14,000 pounds
  • Class 4- GVWR ranges from 14,001 to 16,000 pounds
  • Class 5- GVWR ranges from 16,001 to 19,500 pounds
  • Class 6- GVWR ranges from 19,501 to 26,000 pounds
  • Class 7- GVWR ranges from 26,001 to 33,000 pounds
  • Class 8- GVWR is anything above 33,000 pounds

If you have questions about the vehicle involved in your accident, speak with one our Texas truck accident lawyers.

Do Most Texas Truck Accident Cases Go to Trial?

Whether or not a truck accident case goes to trial is dependent on several factors. Among the most important of those factors are:

  • How clear is a liability in the case?
  • Is the insurance company willing to pay a reasonable settlement?

While a case will be settled out of court more often than not, your attorney must treat every claim as though it will be tried to verdict. Our truck accident lawyers will take this approach to your case from day one.

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About Us
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Full-Service Injury Firm

We help clients across the U.S. with all types of injury cases, including vehicle accidents, slip and falls, wrongful death, product recalls, pharmaceutical cases, mass tort, and more.

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No Win, No Fee

Thomas J. Henry offers a “No Fee Promise.” We work on a contingency fee basis which means you do not pay our firm any fees unless and until we win your case. Learn more.

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Help with Bills

If you’ve been hurt, you may have a damaged vehicle or be unable to work. We can help get you a rental car if your vehicle is damaged and even advance money on qualified cases.

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Help with Medical Care

We are committed to your complete recovery. We will work with you to ensure you receive the necessary medical treatment and support for your healing journey.

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We Come to You

If you’ve been hurt, you may not be able to come into our offices to speak to an attorney. Don’t worry, we will come to you wherever you are – at home, work, or hospital.

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Recent Results

Real results for real people. Achieving transformative verdicts and substantial settlements through dedicated legal expertise.

All recents results
Product Liability
$30.22 Million
spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$35 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$50 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Premises Liability
$14.75 Million
traumatic brain injury
Medical Malpractice
$12.7 Million
spine & back injuries
Medical Malpractice
$10.94 Million
traumatic brain injury
Company Vehicle Accident
$10 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$9 Million
wrongful death
Company Vehicle Accident
$8.5 Million
leg injuries
Trucking Accident
$8.28 Million
spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Company Vehicle Accident
$8 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries, spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Product Liability
$7.2 Million
vital organ injuries
Automobile Accident
$7.1 Million
spine & back injuries
Premises Liability
$7 Million
spine & back injuries
Automobile Accident
$6.75 Million
leg injuries, neck injuries, spine & back injuries, traumatic brain injury
Workplace Accident
$6 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$6 Million
wrongful death
Trucking Accident
$5.8 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5.8 Million
spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5.26 Million
traumatic brain injury
Premises Liability
$5 Million
leg injuries, neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$5 Million
neck injuries, spine & back injuries
Company Vehicle Accident
$5 Million
fractures & soft tissue injuries, spine & back injuries
Trucking Accident
$5 Million
wrongful death


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Care and comfort for clients is the #1 priority for these guys. You guys continue to provide the best for everyone!

Leon Rodriguez
Dallas. 2 years ago
5 stars

Took care of my friend and her daughters accident case! Got the maximum allowed! Also I love he gives back to our community!

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Karla Kittley
Dallas. 1 year ago
5 stars

Thank you for all your help and support!!!

Molly Adams
Molly Adams
Dallas. 2 years ago
5 stars

Very helpful and straight forward with my case. Very satisfied.

Henry Reyes
Austin. 1 year ago
5 stars

At one of the lowest points in my life, when the world literally came crashing down on me, I made the best decision in my life by seeking immediate representation by this law firm!

Albert Wooten
Austin. 1 year ago
5 stars

Truly was always there when I reached out. White glove service.

C. Files
Austin. 2 years ago
5 stars

Very professional and courteous staff. Gets the job done swiftly and promptly! Friendly and always treats you with respect.

Shannon Peterson
Austin. 2 years ago
5 stars

Very professional and overall great experience!

Julie Elliot
Austin. 1 year ago
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