May 13th, 2022 by Thomas J. Henry

13 Killed in Austin Traffic Crashes in April

White roses laying atop a funeral casket

At least 13 people have died on Austin roadways in April, making it the deadliest month in what is shaping up to be the worst year for traffic deaths in nearly four decades.

40% of Those Killed So Far in 2022 Were Pedestrians

According to the Austin American-Statesman, Austin recorded five more deaths in the month of April than in May. 2022 is currently outpacing 2021 for traffic fatalities which saw the most annual traffic deaths in nearly 40 years.

Police records show that eight of the deaths recorded in April were men and five were women.

Six of those killed were pedestrians, two people died in three-vehicle crashes, two were motorcyclists, one was killed in an 18-wheeler crash, one was on a scooter, and a final victim was killed in a single-vehicle crash.

Records also show that 15 of the traffic deaths recorded in Austin so far this year were pedestrians, accounting for 40% of all traffic deaths.

2021 saw a total of 43 pedestrian deaths.

2020 Texas Traffic Accident Statistics

Despite the pandemic and reduced traffic, 2020 still proved to be a deadly year for Texas drivers. According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT):

  • 3,896 people were killed in car crashes in Texas in 2020. A 7.54% increase from 2019.
  • The fatality rate on Texas roadways increased a staggering 18.94% from 2019 to 2020
  • 538 of those deaths were the result of head-on collisions.
  • 865 people were killed in crashes that occurred at or near intersections.
  • An additional 205,489 people were injured in traffic crashes in Texas in 2020 with 14,656 people suffering incapacitating injuries.
  • Based on reportable data for 2020, TxDOT determined:
    • One person was killed in a car crash in Texas every 2 hours and 15 minutes.
    • A person was injured in a crash every 2 minutes and 34 seconds.
    • A reportable crash occurred every 1 minute 7 seconds.
Injured in a Car Crash? Call Thomas J. Henry Law

If you or a loved one have been injured in a crash in or around Austin, call Thomas J. Henry Law for immediate representation.

Thomas J. Henry Law has represented car accident victims and their families for nearly 30 years. Over this time, we have secured substantial results for our clients. Now it is time to let our success work for you.

Call now for a FREE Case Review with an Austin car accident lawyer. Our attorneys are available 24/7, nights and weekends.

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