April 6th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

18-Wheeler Hits Two Cars in Birmingham Before Overturning

Green 18-wheeler traveling on open road

Authorities in Birmingham, Alabama are investigating a three-vehicle crash involving a tractor-trailer that left at least one person injured.

About the Birmingham Trucking Accident

According to WVTM 13, the crash occurred Thursday morning in the northbound lanes of Interstate 65 near Reverend Abraham Woods Jr. Boulevard.

The 18-wheeler first struck a stalled vehicle before colliding with another car and overturning on to its side. The overturned tractor-trailer blocked all lanes of traffic except for one.

Police have confirmed that one person was taken to the hospital with unknown injuries. The crash remains under investigation.

National Trucking Accident Statistics

  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA) 438,000 trucking accidents were recorded in the U.S. in 2014, resulting in 3,903 deaths.
  • Of those killed in trucking accidents:
    • 17 percent were occupants of large trucks
    • 73 percent were occupants of other vehicles
    • 10 percent were listed as nonoccupants, including bicyclists and pedestrians
  • Another 111,000 people were injured in trucking accidents in 2015.

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