June 27th, 2016 by Thomas J. Henry

4-Year-Old Dies After Being Run Over by Wrecker

A 4-year-old boy was killed just a few feet from his home after a tow truck driver ran over him.

About the Fatal Accident

Police say a 4-year-old child riding a tricycle died after being run over by a wrecker driver in northeast Houston, Texas Wednesday night, Eyewitness News 11 reports.

The family is mourning the loss of their son Nestor Delao Jr. who they affectionately called Junior. Junior was one of five siblings, but he was the only boy.

Neighbors say Junior and another little boy were racing their bikes. Junior was on his big wheel, coming down from a driveway at the end of the cul-du-sac. Investigators say a tow-truck driver had just dropped off a car at a nearby house; he was rounding the corner, didn’t see Junior and ran him over. The other boy, 5, was not hurt.

By Thursday morning, neighbors and family had left balloons, candles, teddy bears and flowers at the spot where Junior died.

Charges will not be filed against the tow truck driver. Police say the incident was simply a horrible accident.

Child Car Safety Facts

According to Parents.com, most accidents involving children happen near home.

  • Most accidents involving kids actually occur on local, residential roads during a routine trip to the day-care center, the grocery store, or the neighborhood park. That’s why it’s critical to take all the same precautions for a short drive that you’d take for a three-hour ride to Grandma’s.
  • “Always buckle your child up, no matter how near or far you’re going,” says Marilena Amoni, associate administrator for research and program development at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “And never forget to use your own seat belt. Kids watch everything that you do, so it’s important that you set the right example.”

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