Claire’s Makeup Recalled for Asbestos Concerns
Claire’s, a popular brand of accessories and cosmetics targeting young girls and teenagers, has recalled some makeup products due to fears they may contain cancer-causing asbestos.
About the Claire’s Makeup Recall
According to Time, the recall was announced a few days after Christmas after a concerned Rhode Island parent sent a sample of the glitter makeup she had bought for her 6-year-old daughter out for independent testing.
The samples tested positive for tremolite asbestos, a silicate material associated with mesothelioma and several other types of cancer. The woman and the law firm she works for then purchased products from nine different states in a follow-up action, each of which tested positive for tremolite asbestos.
The immediate media attention that followed prompted Claire’s to launch a safety investigation and recall multiple products, including various types of glitter makeup sets, eye shadow, and lip gloss.
Claire’s will issue refunds for products returned while it conducts its safety investigation.
Claire’s Products Included in the Asbestos Recall
The following Claire’s makeup products are covered by the asbestos recall:
- Ultimate Mega Make Up Set
- Metallic Hot Pink Glitter 48 Piece Makeup Set
- Pink Glitter Cellphone Makeup Copact
- Bedazzled Rainbow Heart Makeup Set
- Rainbow Bedazzled Star Make Up Set
- Rainbow Glitter Heart Shaped Makeup Set
- Mint Glitter Make Up Set
- Rainbow Bedazzled Rectangle make Up Set
- Pink Glitter Palette with Eyeshadow & Lip Gloss
Symptoms and Health Problems Associated with Asbestos Exposure
Symptoms of asbestos exposure usually don’t start until 10 to 40 years after exposure. Symptoms include:
- Shortness of breath
- Feeling of tightness in the chest
- Persistent dry cough
- Chest pain
- Loss of appetite
- Enlarged fingertips
- Nail deformities
Exposure to asbestos may result in:
- Mesothelioma
- Scarring on the lungs
- Loss of lung function
- Disability
- Death