August 7th, 2013 by Thomas J. Henry

Ford Hit with $53 Million Verdict for Seatbelt Failure

A Florida school teacher has been awarded $53 million after a jury found that Ford was liable for the injuries she sustained when her seat belt allegedly failed during an automobile accident.

The plaintiff claimed the 1997 Ford Explorer her husband was driving hydroplaned before crashing into a guardrail at which point her seat belt and seat back failed ejecting her through the rear windshield of the vehicle.

About the Ford Seatbelt Trial
  • The plaintiff was riding in the backseat with her 5-month-old son when the car crash occurred. The infant was in a car seat and was uninjured. The husband who was driving also reported no injuries.
  • The plaintiff’s biomechanical and seat belt experts testified that back loading of the seat belt resulted in the seat belt becoming “inertially unlatched.”
  • The experts also testified that the seat’s back was not properly secured to the vehicle.
  • An accident reconstruction expert testified that the vehicle’s center of gravity was too far forward, leading to it being unstable.

Injuries and Damages Sustained in the Accident

  • Traumatic Head Injuries
  • Traumatic Axonal Injury
  • Brain Stem Trauma
  • Intra Cranial Hemorrhages
  • Vision Impairment
  • Speech Difficulty
  • Hearing Loss
  • Accelerated Neurological Deterioration

The plaintiff can no longer teach due to her condition.

Verdict of the Ford Lawsuit

The jury found in favor of the plaintiff and found Ford to be liable for all damages and injuries resulting from the accident. The plaintiff was awarded $53 million for past and future damages and injuries.

Contact an Experienced Defective Vehicle Attorney

Thomas J. Henry are leaders in the area of product liability litigation. Our Defective Drug and Products Division has extensive knowledge and resources in order to represent our clients efficiently and aggressively. We represent a multitude of people who are battling against manufacturers of defective vehicles and auto parts.

Your choice does matter. If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries because of a recalled vehicle or defective auto part, call Thomas J. Henry immediately. We represent clients/victims all over the country. We are available 24/7, nights and weekends.

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