HEB Recalls Almost 5,000 Pounds of Beef Product

HEB has issued a recall for roughly 5,000 pounds of beef stew product due to possible foreign matter contamination.

About the HEB Beef Recall

According to KWTX, the recall deals specifically with possible plastic and metal contamination.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) says the recalled beef stew items were produced on December 13, 2017.

FSIS cited cases containing six, 5-pound cryovac plastic bags containing fresh beef stew meat with the case code 6904 as being affected. The meat was then re-packaged into various weight beef stew meat trays that also contain separately wrapped vegetables.

The beef items were shipped to HEB stores throughout Texas.

Specific Products Affected by the Recall

Consumers should be on the lookout for the following HEB brand products:

  • Beef Stew Meat Tenderized RP
  • Beef Stew Meat RP
  • Beef Stew Meat VP
  • Beef Stew Meat-CR VP
  • Beef Stew Meat Tenderized VP
  • Beef Stew Meat CP
  • Beef Stew Kit

Recalled products will have establishment “EST. 3D” next to the USDA mark of inspection or Est. 7231 on the side of the tray.

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