Massive Explosion at Phillips 66 Pipeline Station

Charles Parish and company officials reported a fire at Phillips 66 pipeline station in Southern Louisiana. After the fire, a Phillips 66 employee went missing, and a contract worker was hospitalized.
Details on the Incident
According to a company spokesman the explosion occurred at the Paradis Pipeline Station 30 minutes west of New Orleans. Reuters reports the fire occurred during routine maintenance and the cause of the fire is still unknown, it’s currently under investigation.
The pipeline carries y-grade and a mixture of natural gas liquids such as propane and butane. The pipeline carries the liquids from Venice to Paradis, Louisiana.
According to Phillips 66 the pipeline was blocked in and the gas liquids that were left in the pipeline were burning off. The fire and pressure began to decrease mid-day Friday. St. Charles Sheriff Greg Champagne states that the fire could have burned for hours or a day.
The Aftermath of the Fire
Charles Parish reported that 60 homes in Paradis and about 1,200 residents of New Orleans evacuated their homes.
The evacuation restrictions ended late Friday morning; residents were asked to present proof of residence to travel on highway 631.
Champagne reported that six workers were present during the explosion.Two were injured and hospitalized and three had minor or no injuries.