November 27th, 2019 by Thomas J. Henry

Nursing Home Abuse: How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Nurse arguing with an elderly patient

texas personal injury attorney

Government statistics reveal around one-third of nursing homes in the United States have citations for violations of regulations relating to abuse of residents. While many facilities dispute these allegations, elderly Americans incapable of caring for themselves are subject to abuse and neglect every day. This article will outline the current nursing home abuse predicament and illustrate how a personal injury attorney can help families get the justice they deserve. 

Finding a Texas Personal Injury Attorney 

When someone places a loved one into a nursing home, there is an expectation that the elderly family member will get the care and attention that they are unable to provide for themselves. All too often, the nursing home resident is the victim of negligence and abuse. If a lack of proper care is evident, and you suspect that a nursing home employee abused or neglected your family member, you should contact a Texas personal injury lawyer immediately. 

Working With a Texas Personal Injury Lawyer  

Unfortunately, elderly residents of nursing facilities are frequently unable to advocate for themselves after mistreatment. Relatives and friends who visit the resident should stay aware of signs of abuse. If the abuse relates to a lack of care, the indicators are easier to detect. Residents who appear unbathed, unkempt, or improperly dressed for the environment could have neglect issues. 

The development of pressure sores, also known as bedsores, is a red flag. Although serious conditions can cause them, residents receiving proper repositioning throughout the day and an appropriate diet will not develop this type of sore. Family of otherwise healthy nursing home residents should talk to a Texas personal injury lawyer upon discovering bedsores on their loved one staying in a nursing home

Personal Lawyer in Corpus Christi  

Nursing home abuse encompasses maltreatment beyond physical neglect. Abuse can present itself in many forms, including emotional and physical abuse. The sad truth is that physical abuse can become sexual abuse. Emotional abuse may be more challenging to detect, as it does not leave any residual physical signs. If your loved one exhibits significant changes in personality, especially an increase in anxiety or fear of being left alone, emotional abuse may be an issue. 

Signs of physical abuse may include broken bones or repetitive bruising. While certain medications or ailments can lead to abnormal bruising, excessive bruising of the wrists and ankles should raise a red flag. Sexual abuse may be the hardest to detect and would present itself as an unexplained STD or bruising found around the breasts or genital area. If you suspect a loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse in Corpus Christi, you should contact a personal lawyer at the Thomas J. Henry law firm as soon as possible. 

Your Personal Injury Attorney in San Antonio

Do you suspect your family member is suffering physical or emotional abuse or neglect at the hands of employees in a nursing home? You need to enlist the services of an experienced and professional personal injury attorney to represent your loved one’s rights. The expert team of attorneys at Thomas J. Henry will assist you through the entire legal process, stop the abuse, obtain full compensation for your loved one, including pain and suffering, and ensure they receive proper care in the future. As the largest personal injury law firm in Texas, Thomas J. Henry possesses resources and expertise surpassing even the most notable attorneys in the state. We don’t rely on flashy gimmicks. We are a premier personal injury law firm because we get results. Call us 24/7 at 361-985-0600 for a free case review.

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