September 20th, 2021 by Thomas J. Henry

Pedestrian Killed in Corpus Christi Hit-and-Run

Crowd of pedestrians walking across a crosswalk

Corpus Christi police are searching for a hit-and-run driver that fled the scene of a fatal pedestrian crash Thursday night.

Details of the Corpus Christi Hit-and-Run

KRIS-TV reports the crash happened in the 900 block of Waldron Road near Naval Air Station Drive shortly after 11 pm Thursday.

Investigators say a 43-year-old man was crossing the street outside of the crosswalk when he was struck by a vehicle. The man died from his injuries. The driver did not stop at the scene and continued to travel down Waldron toward the base.

Police say the driver will face a 2nd-degree felony charge for the crash.

The accident remains under investigation. Anyone with information is urged to call 361-888-TIPS.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians
  • Use sidewalks whenever they’re available. If there’s no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
  • Always cross at intersections or marked crosswalks. Look left, then right, then left again before proceeding.
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street. Never assume a driver sees you.
  • Be visible. Wear something light or reflective after dark.
  • Don’t be distracted by devices that take your eyes and ears off the road.
  • As a passenger, get in or out of a vehicle on the curbside of the street.
Injured in a Pedestrian Crash? Contact Thomas J. Henry Law

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident, call Thomas J. Henry Law today. Our Corpus Christi car accident lawyers have represented clients injured in crashes for more than 25 years. We have secured record-breaking verdicts and work diligently to ensure all of our clients are in the best position to receive the most compensation possible.

Our attorneys are available 24/7, nights and weekends to assist you. Call now for your FREE case consultation.

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