April 19th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Video Shows Daycare Worker Slamming Toddler to the Ground, Arrest Made

Screaming Toddler on white background


A Texas daycare worker was arrested Tuesday after video surfaced showing her slamming a small toddler to the ground.

Details of the Daycare Abuse and Resulting Arrest

The Daily Caller reports that Jazmine Torres, of Plano, has been taken into custody and charged with a felony count of child endangerment.

Investigations began after a mother watching live surveillance video of the Children’s Courtyard daycare saw a worker toss her 18-month-old son onto a mat face-first. Initially, the daycare did not believe the mothers reports; however, after reviewing the video, the daycare launched their own investigation and fired Torres.

The daycare notified authorities and state agencies of the incident and has since cooperated with investigators.

Daycare Injury Statistics

The following information was provided by Child Care Aware:

  • The most recent in-depth study concerning child fatalities in child care is almost 10 years old.
  • The Organization of Child Care in the United States, 1985-2003, found 1,362 child fatalities
  • The United States still does not have any federal reporting requirements for child fatalities that occur in child care.
  • Several organizations work to collect child fatality information, with the National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths, a web-based reporting system, being one of them.
  • Participation in the National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths is voluntary and completely dependent on state practices.

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