January 10th, 2017 by Thomas J. Henry

Man Killed in Motorcycle Accident on Tuesday

Motorcycle on open road

An elderly Texas man who was the ground crew leader for a hot air balloon company who helped oversee the launching of a balloon trip that resulted in sixteen fatalities last year was killed in a motorcycle crash on Tuesday.

About the Fatal Motorcycle Accident

According to several news outlets, including NBC’s Dallas-Fort Worth website and its affiliated KXAN-TV channel, Alan Thomas Lirette, 60, was killed in a motorcycle crash in Travis County. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the incident.

This accident took place in southern Travis County, near Lockhart, on Tuesday, December 27th 2016, while Lirette was apparently riding on Farm to Market 1626 in Hays County, and veered off to collide with a sign post.

Texas Accident Statistics

  • According to the Texas Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Facts, released annually by the Texas Department of Transportation, the Fatality Rate on Texas roadways for 2015 was 1.43 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles traveled, a 2.05% decrease from 2014.
  • On average, there was one fatality in Texas every 2 hours and 29 minutes from reportable crashes in 2015.
  • In 2015, there were a total of 1,255 fatalities resulting from single vehicle, run-off the road crashes, comprising 35.54% of all motor vehicle traffic deaths for the year.
  • There were 459 motorcyclists killed in 2015, and 52% of those killed were not wearing helmets at the time of their deaths.

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